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Outdoor Club Sample Rental Agreement

This is a SAMPLE De Anza Outdoor Club equipment rental agreement.

Just because you read it in advance on-line doesn't mean you should skip reading the real one when you rent from us -- this is only part of the agreement and you need to be certain you understand when and where to return equipment.

We only have one rental time for each trip and only one return time to be able to get a full refund.

De Anza College Outdoor Club members get to rent club-owned equipment for use on club events. Club equipment is first-signed-up-for-a-trip, first-served.

Membership is $15 for 365 days. Members who pay an additional $15 (for 365 days) rental fee along with their membership pay no rentals cost and can use club equipment with refundable cleaning and late fee deposits (if you return the gear clean, in good condition and on time you get a refund). Members who do not pay the yearly fee can rent equipment at about half the price of a local rental company chosen by the club officers.

Current members only rental costs are listed at: Outdoor Club Equipment

This form below is subject to changes. Carefully read the actual form at the time you rent from us.

Club members can rent equipment for use on club events.

For pictures and a list of some of the equipment we rent click on this link: Outdoor Club Equipment

animated red arrow: Most people get their late fee and cleaning fee back in full, but there have been exceptions:

One guy who rented from the club insisted that it wasn't 'fair' when he had to pay for damage to a tent because he didn't tip over the lantern that made the hole in the floor, someone sharing the tent with him did. He didn't want to be responsible for the tent even though he was the one who rented it.

Another guy got irritated when the equipment he had borrowed wasn't returned on time and he had to pay a late fee. He had sent some of the stuff back in another guy's car and the other guy didn't bring the gear on our rental return date.

The club considers the person renting the equipment to be the one responsible for it, just as any commercial equipment rental place would.

Yet another guy decided it wasn't fair that we have only one rentals return time/day for a full refund.

The Outdoor Club is a completely volunteer organization, neither the officers nor the advisor are paid. As a result you will not get the same 'service' from us as from a professional group. If you want to rent gear and be able to have some freedom in exactly when you return it, rent from a commercial place.

tt blue rule:

Please carefully read this De Anza College Outdoor Club rental and release agreement before signing it.

Print student's name____________________ Student ID # _____________________ Phone #_________________ pager_________________ cell phone_____________AGE_______ or if under 18, Print (circle one) parent's / guardian's name if they are renting__________________ phone_____________

Renter acknowledges that: there will be no food (even gum, snacks or drinks), cooking, toiletries or smoking in tents (and to keep from poking holes in the tents, no chairs, cots, cleats or spike heels), all equipment for camping trips except tents and dining canopies will be locked in a vehicle when the renter is not in the campsite (with the obvious exception of backpacking gear), the club does not promise that any equipment will work as intended (tents and dry bags may leak, for example). The renter is responsible for making sure all needed parts (tent poles, etc,) are there when the equipment is picked up. The renter is responsible for knowing how to properly use the equipment (how to pitch a tent or how to use a mantle on a lantern, for example).

Renters will allow enough time at the return to pitch a tent (and /or dining canopy) and show the club that it is in good condition with all it's parts, or they will lose their cleaning deposit.

Large tents must be shared (for example, one person can not use a four or more person tent for themselves alone unless the extra space is not needed). On winter trips, or if there are sufficient supplies, one person can rent both a thermarest and an insulated sleeping pad.

Fees include $20 late fee (described in detail later), $50 cleaning deposit for tents, stoves and dining canopies, and $10 cleaning deposit for all other items. Lanterns will be given to the renter with either an intact mantle or a new mantle to be installed and will be returned in the same condition or the $10 cleaning fee will be deducted. At least one propane/butane mix tank, possibly only partially full, will be included, and the stove or lantern will be returned with a proper size and kind tank that is at least partially full, or the $10 fee will be deducted. Liquid fuel may or may not be present in a stove or lantern; it is the responsibility of the renter.

Only one person checks out each item (even though many might sleep in a tent), and that person is responsible for it, whether they transport it or not. If equipment goes home after the trip in a different vehicle than the one the renter is in, the renter is still responsible for any late fees.


Equipment name and identifying number    Value    Late fee    Cleaning deposit (amounts)  

Total late fees_______   Total cleaning deposits____

IF the equipment is returned dry, clean and in good condition to a club officer at our storage area under the east side of the football bleachers OR where ever it all ends up being stored, we have had to move it a lot lately and will put the new location in the rental agreement) on (due date)__, all of the late fee and cleaning deposit will be returned. It can take up to two weeks (or more during summer quarter) to process the paperwork, and you will have to show a photo I.D. to pick up your check at Student Accounts. If the equipment is returned after that date, $10 will be deducted. After (late due date) ______. same place, the entire $10 per item will be deducted, and a "hold" will be put on the student's grades until the equipment is returned or the renter pays the full retail replacement value listed above. BIG Warning: a hold means you can't register for classes, add or drop, or get transcripts. A hold takes much longer to get off than to put on. Please make careful note of the due dates. The club officers can't extend them for any reason, valid or not. If these due dates will not work for you, don't rent from the club. If the equipment is returned damaged, wet, dirty the cleaning deposit will be deducted. Additional charges may apply for damage or loss of equipment, as listed in value above.

The total deposit should be made to De Anza student accounts, downstairs in the campus center (to account # 44-4371) and the renter will bring a receipt with his name on it and the amount of deposit when they pick up the equipment. OR the amount can be paid when the renter picks up the equipment if deposits were not made in advance.

This equipment will be used only on the following club event: (name, dates of event here)


I, the undersigned, accept for use as is the possibly "used" equipment listed on this form and accept full responsibility for the care of it, will be responsible for its replacement at full retail value, agree to reimburse and hold harmless the De Anza College Outdoor Club for any loss or damage of any kind, except normal wear and tear, and agree to return the equipment on the agreed date clean, dry and in good condition to avoid any additional charges.

Comments on equipment condition: (space here for comments)

I understand there are inherent and other risks in the activity for which this equipment is to be used (camping, backpacking, mountaineering, hiking, climbing, boating, bicycling, team or individual sports or other recreational- type activities) and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of these activities, and I freely accept those risks.

I have made no misrepresentations to the club regarding my physical condition or needs for specific equipment. I understand the function and use of the equipment, and did not expect instruction in its use, but if I was given any instructions on the use of the equipment they are clear to me.

I hereby release De Anza College, the Foothill-De Anza District, the De Anza College Outdoor Club, and its faculty advisors, officers and members from any liability for damage or injury to myself and any person or property resulting from my negligence, the selection and use of this equipment, accepting for myself the full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury which may result.

leaf: photo of a leaf

animated worm in hole disappears gif: We do not have the time to return phone calls or emails from people asking questions that they could have found the answers to by simply looking through this website. We can't always find a way to sign up people who can't make it to our regular meetings, to a class when we are there, or to a table we have on campus. People who wait until the last minute to sign up are sometimes left out.

 Updated Monday, July 30, 2012 at 9:14:23 AM by Mary Donahue -
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