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Lay Responder First Aid and CPR/AED instructor exam study guide


Here is a study guide for the written exam for my CPR Pro Instructor students adding Lay Responder First Aid and CPR/AED instructor to their resume.

Unit of Authorization

Instructor aides

Activity Report

Authorized Provider, Authorized Provider Agreement, Authorized Provider Instructor

Code of Conduct


Course of Record, Course Record, Course Record Addendum

Course Challenge

Critical eye

Unit of Authorization, Reauthorization, Extended Authorization

courses you will be authorized to teach

class length, prerequisites, tests, minimum class size, ages for courses

required equipment, materials you must use, can use

skills participants should practice only on a manikin, or can be practiced on a class member

forms you must complete, forms you must turn in

recommendations on manikin decontamination including decontaminating solutions

instructor aides

teaching to the standard and testing to the objective

ideal corrective feedback

guidelines for use of an AED training device / precautions for use of AED training devices or rhythm simulators

What are the requirements for a course participant to receive a certificate? What is the passing grade on an exam (rules for pass, fail, incomplete, audit) ?

Which courses require exams? Certificate expirations?

What are the purposes of various courses?

How do instructors promote learning, facilitate class discussions, evaluate skills, set up a classroom, insure health and safety, limit the risk of disease transmission?

What / how much equipment is required? Are separate manikins ever required? Which student books/skills cards are required?

What is coached practice, practice-while-you-watch? Why are skills demonstrations included in Red Cross First Aid, CPR and AED course videos?

Describe the major differences between CPR Pro skills and lay rescuer CPR skills.

Describe the major differences between how CPR Pro and Lay Rescuer skills are taught.

 Updated Friday, December 9, 2011 at 7:30:47 PM by Mary Donahue -
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