accessing CatalystSome work for the lifeguard training class is posted or will be posted at the De Anza Catalyst online learning website. (If you have taken a De Anza class that is completely online you will be familiar with Catalyst.)
The first project is a short survey of class members. To answer some of the questions you need to have read the PE 28A course syllabus.
The surveys will only be available to complete from 12:20 Monday, April 9 to 9:25 a.m. Friday, April 13.
You will need your De Anza student I.D. number when you go to the Catalyst webpage and follow the 'quick login instructions'.
(There are user guides at the page that include what to do if you can't remember/find your student I.D. and what to do once you have changed the original password, but forgot/can't find the new one you gave yourself.)
Once you login you should be brought to the My courses page. There you can move your mouse and click on PE28A -Donahue,12S
That should get you to a page that says: Welcome to the De Anza College lifeguard training surveys and quizzes page.
below that title are the class intentions survey, etc. Click on the link and to answer the survey, click on the dot above your choice and click on Save my choice.
After you click on the class intentions survey and answer it, you will need to get back to the lifeguard training surveys and quizzes page to find and answer the rest of the surveys. I will descibe one way and you can discover others if you have the time to look around the page. At the top of the class intentions survey page you will see:
Catalyst 12S_01573 Choices class intentions survey
If you click on 12S_01573 it will get you back to the lifeguard training surveys and quizzes page and you can click on and answer more of the surveys.
Here is the link to get to Catalyst:
The lifeguard class main webpage is at: P.E. 28A