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HTML color codes

I made this page for myself so I could see what various colors actually look like at my pages when used for text.

This is color 660000 This is color 330000 This is color 000033 This is color 003399

This is color navy This is color 0033FF This is color 006600 This is color green

This is color 0099FF This is color 00CCFF This is color 003300 This is color teal

This is color 6666FF This is color 00CC00 This is color 339999 This is color 006633

This is color fuchsia This is color 990066 This is color 9900CC This is color maroon

This is color CC0000 This is color purple This is color 3300FF This is color 330066

And here are examples of a couple of choices we have for type faces:

Anything that doesn't kill you outright makes you stronger. (Courier)

Anything that doesn't kill you outright makes you stronger. (Veranda)

Anything that doesn't kill you outright makes you stronger.(Times New Roman)

I first learned how to make a word blue or green or ... at a website from the University of Brighton, UK:

Warning, some colors, like lime are not very readable on a white background, but purple or teal are okay if you don't use them too much.

There is a HTML code tutorial at:


 Updated Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 10:53:41 AM by Mary Donahue -
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