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Outdoor Club Flea Market profits distribution

This page has

1) Flea Market profits distribution from the bylaws of the Outdoor Club

2) exerpts from the ICC Flea Market Concession Code

3) and some other notes, especially the dress code, at the bottom


Unless the club executive boards votes otherwise before a flea market, people who work at a club flea market stand get this: a free membership, membership extension for themselves or a friend who is a De Anza student. Also, 20% of the profit will be divided among people based on the hours worked. (Example: we earned $400, therefore $80 will be divided. People worked a total of 27 hours, so they each get $1.78 per hour they worked as a credit towards a future club event).

No one will be paid cash for work at a club fundraiser.

Also, the people who worked the stand will get to vote on how the remaining 80% of the profit is spent, based on the number of hours they worked. The club executive board will decide on the choices for the vote, and will break any ties or even out spending if a vote is split too much.

Example: three people each worked six hours, and three people each worked three hours, so they get six and three votes each, and $319.90 of the remaining profit is divided up by 27 hours (votes). Each worker gets to vote on how $11.18 per vote is spent ($319.90 divided by 27).

The executive board takes suggestions from people, and decides we could use a new backpacking tent, water purifying pump and some recreational equipment. The votes come out $11.18 for the tent, $44.72 for the pump, and $219.28 for the recreational equipment. The club executive board could then vote to purchase the pump and recreational. equipment, but decide that since $11.18 for the tent won't be enough, the money will go into the general fund, or whatever else they decide.

IF a fundraiser is being staffed by people who want to buy specific equipment (who want to put on a specific trip at a reduced cost, for example) they can approach the club executive board with suggestions and this can be worked out in advance of a fundraiser.


To read the ICC Flea Market Concession Code go to:

scroll down to codes and click on the ICC Flea Market Concession Code

Here are some excerpts, (but please read the original document as I can't keep up on changes to ICC Codes all the time):

SECTION 4. Hamburger Concession Stand

A. In order to bid for a hamburger stand, the club must be trained in advance by having a minimum of five (5) club members observe from 9am-4pm at a previous hamburger stand. The club must then share the hamburger stand with an experienced club before operating the stand alone.

B. The clubs which shadow the Hamburger stand will get priority consideration to operate the Hamburger stand in the following month.

Duties of club

B. Provide a minimum of five (5) workers for Drink Stand and ten (10) workers for Hamburger stand at the start time, which is 8:15 am.

C. There will be no smoking, drinking, or eating behind the food service line.

D. There will be no visiting of friends, children, etc. behind the food service line.

E. Do not bring children or pets/animals to the Flea Market.

F. Clean up of the concession booth and its immediate area will be the responsibility of the club.

G. ICC Grill

1. The grill must be cleaned by the club(s) after each use. A thirty dollar ($30) fine will be deducted from the club(s) account(s) in the event that they fail to clean the grill.

2. The club using the grill must know the operating procedures which include: a) safety, b) operation, c) cleaning, d) customer service

3. The grill is the property of the ICC and must stay on the De Anza campus.

4. If a club wishes to use the grill for purposes other than the Flea Market concession, then an Event Planning Form must be filled out with the date and time it will be used and then returned signed by club’s advisor(s).

H. Failure on the part of the club not fulfilling the above responsibilities will result in a three (3) month probation in bidding rights for concession stands.


A. The Director of Campus Center will supervise the actual sale and purchase of food, to insure proper cash handling, maintain sanitary conditions, and assign the different tasks to be done.

B. The Director of Campus Center may recommend to put a club who has not fulfilled said responsibilities on a three month concession probation to the ICC.


There are also rules about no sandals, tanktops, halter-tops or shorts. Shoes such as tennis shoes, real shirts and long pants are required. When the Outdoor Club has done drink stands we tried to have everyone wear white shirts and dark pants.

Prompt attendance is REQUIRED!!! The whole stand will be cancelled if anyone is at all late, REALLY. For this reason we have had extra people signed up just to show up in case someone else has car trouble.

For recent stands the club has voted that since some people didn't work the whole stand, we would give out free memberships based on one month per hour worked for people who didn't work the whole stand.

 Updated Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 12:34:15 PM by Mary Donahue -
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