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Sharkfest 2003 lifeguarding

In September, 2003, the De Anza College Outdoor Club volunteered for the fourth year at the Escape from Alcatraz Sharkfest swim race from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park, San Francisco.

Once again, we did not see any sharks, but we did see a few seals swimming and diving at the outside edge of the swimmers.

The swimmers ride ferries to Alcatraz. Then they jump off and swim to a starting line formed by the kayakers who will watch them, help people who get too cold and try to keep the swimmers on course.

Kevin and Renae guarding:

Tertia and Sean guarding: Sharkfest lined up at the start:

Sharkfest 2003 start: Sharkfest 2003 just after start:

At the lead is a boat with three huge red buoys for swimmers to sight on.

follow the red buoys:

Swimming with a balloon tied to you can do many things:

- make it easier for the assisting kayakers to keep you in sight

- make it easier for your spouse to keep you in sight

- create a more festive atmosphere

- create drag and slow you down

woman swimming with balloon:

Group photo below by Arya Goudarzi.

De Anza College trained lifeguards for the 2003 race were (left to right):

Sean Downey, Tertia Cole, Alan Ahlstrand, Mary Donahue, Duong Nguyen, Shahin Zonoobi, Wendy Sato, Kevin Halseth, Renae Aguilar, Michelle Minor Aceituno, Veronica Moreno and John Garnett.

group photo 2003 sharkfest:

Escape from Alcatraz 'Sharkfest' swim volunteering has details about the event.

You might also want to read Tips for guarding open water swims.

 Updated Sunday, September 21, 2003 at 11:20:50 AM by Mary Donahue -
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