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Memo to teaching assistants

Fall quarter I will teach

one novice swim class PE 26A Saturday,

one beginning PE 26B Saturday,

and the usual HLTH 57A first aid/ HLTH 57E CPR Pro classes in the Biol/Hlth Division Friday afternoons.


Feb. 2011, Alanna Klassen, lifeguard class of 2010, was helping with one of my swim classes when a movie producer came by looking for me to see how she could get a lifeguard for her filming at the De Anza pool. (As I understand it, Alanna was paid well beyond minimum wage for this multi-hour job.)

Alanna guards movie set: lifeguard on duty during filming of a movie at the De Anza College swimming pool Alanna Klassen lifeguards movie set: lifeguard on duty during filming of a movie at the De Anza College swimming pool

Alanna Klassen lifeguards pool movie set: lifeguard on duty during filming of a movie at the De Anza College swimming pool


NOT RESCUE READY with pictures of lifeguards using their rescue tubes as a seat or footrest, has some new pictures as of summer 2010 of a lifeguard reading while on duty. (Some of the pictures at the page were sent to me by my lifeguard graduates.)


May, 2009 there are new pictures at backboarding mistakes quiz page five

backboarding mistake 140 pixels 2009: depicting a backboarding mistake backboard mistakes quiz 140 pixels: backboard mistake Alan and Eric


March 22, 2008 clips from the film (okay, not really)   Rodeo Lifeguard,   starring Brian Harness (spring 2004 De Anza lifeguard training):

rodeo lifeguard Brian Harness 1: rodeo lifeguard Brian Harness 2: rodeo lifeguard Brian Harness 3: rodeo lifeguard Brian Harness 4: rodeo lifeguard Brian Harness 5:

Rodeo Lifeguard last shot:

210 pixel lane line with wpball:




Red Cross logo: in 2010: Herland Antezana, Emily May, Javier Puente, Ethan Wilkie, (lifeguard class of 2010) Brittany Peters and Peter Ye (lifeguard class of 2009) and Dung Le have joined the ranks of CPR/AED Pro instructors.



Lifeguard/Lifeguard Instructor Quang Tran (lifeguard class 2005) is an EMT as of March 2010.



Veronika Maria Lukaszczyk: baby, asleep Veronika Maria Lukaszczyk, born March 16, 2010, weight 7 pounds. almost 20 inches long.

(Joanna Maslowska, lifeguard class 2009)



River J. Tam March 30 2009: baby girl River J. Tam, born March 30 2009 River J. Tam, born March 30, 2009, 7 lbs, 13 oz, 18" long.

(Bernadette Milan, lifeguard class 2008)



Red Cross logo: in 2009: Eric Hall (lifeguard class 2007) and Ken Mignosa (2006 lifeguard class) have joined the ranks of lifeguard instructors; Susan Restani and Golnaz Monazamfar (2009 lifeguard class) Bernadette Milan and Ray Alvin (2008 lifeguard class), Hannah Scherzer and Jackson Stogner (2009 lifeguard class) have joined the ranks of CPR/AED Pro instructors.




2008: Kernan Dibble Fall 2001 lifeguard training and now a paramedic and combat medic, sent photos of training, including moulage:

Kernan Dibble CLS training 2008: CLS group photo kernan dibble photographer unknown: CLS group photo moulage:  



March 11, 2008 Jason Weston Willard (that's Jay to us, Fall 2000 lifeguard training)

was admitted to the University of Montana Graduate School MBA program for fall 2008.




One December morning at the Santa Clara Swim Center at pool opening time, there was a Cormorant wanting to lap swim and a cat staying warm on the pool cover. Both photos below copyright Ken Mignosa (spring 2006 lifeguard training). (The Cormorant almost got stuck under the pool cover and Ken almost had to rescue it.) Original photos are at:

cat on pool cover with cormorant on deck winter by Ken Mignosa: cat exiting pool cover by Ken Mignosa 80 pixels:

Red Cross logo: Dana Johnson (spring 2006 lifeguard training), Don Pham, Eric Hall, Richard Curtis Lou and Glenn Wheatland (spring 2007 lifeguard training) have joined the ranks of American Red Cross CPR pro instructors.



October 6, 2007, Andrea Anello (spring 2003 lg training) married Charles Fourcade:

(photos by Dottie Shows)

Andrea wedding kiss photo two by Dottie Shows: Andrea wedding kiss photo by dottie shows:

December 2006, John Remus (Fall 2001 lifeguard training and a lifeguard instructor) got his BA in Photo Journalism from Central Michigan University.

John Remus graduation photo with Kent (journalism instructor):

Sylvia Louise Lam (spring 2004 lifeguard training and a LGI) married David Keith Feury on July 15, 2006

wedding David and Sylvia Fuery:

photo below by Connie Pon Koplan:

sylvia and david dancing at their wedding photo by connie pon koplan:


Red Cross logo: Ken Mignosa, Crystal Gallatin, Debbie Adams, Karen Fabrizius, Shannon Mathey (spring 2006 lifeguard training) and Jennifer Jayce (Cassel) (spring 2005 lifeguard training) have joined the ranks of American Red Cross CPR pro instructors.


Sophia Elizabeth and Catherine Ann Paulazzo July 2006:

Sophia Elizabeth Paulazzo (here with her sister Catherine), born May 21, 2006 at 11:55 p.m.

7 pounds, 13 oz, 11 inches.

(Suzy Nemec Paulazzo, fall 1994 lifeguard training)


Ashley Kiha'oleiolaha Alston

Born: December 6, 2005, 12:42 p.m. 5 pounds, 10 ounces, 19 inches

(Tim Alston, fall 1997 lifeguard training)


email from Ariel (Bown) Valencia, Spring 2002 lifeguard training. In case you missed it, Ariel and Amon-Raa were married Sept. 13, 2003.

He's here

Evren Mikael Valencia

born at home May 24th (2005) at 8:08 AM PDT

after 19 hours of labor

7lb 3 oz

19 in

photos at

Ariel and Evren Valencia:


Some 2005 graduations:

Suzanne Paulazzo (Suzy Nemec to us, Fall 1994 lg training.)

Masters of Education with emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction

Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont.

Elizabeth Garland Fochtman (that's Liz to us, Fall, 2000 lg training class)

Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Anthropology and Behavioral Science with minor in Environmental Science.

San Jose State University

Jason Willard graduation:

Jason Weston Willard (that's Jay to us, Fall 2000 lifeguard training)

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

U of Montana

Christine Ann Crawford (Spring 1998 LG training) Doctor of Jurisprudence with Specialization Certificate in Intellectual Property

Golden Gate University School of Law

May 2005 is busy studying for the bar exam


As of April 29, 2005

Ms. Andrea Anello (spring 2003 lg training) can be addressed as



Wildflower Triathlon April 29, 2005

WENDY SATO (spring 2000 lifeguard training) swim 00:09:24 bike 01:05:09 run 00:27:06 final 1:41:39

YANIK RODRIGUEZ (spring 1999) swim 00:11:28 bike 01:21:06 run 00:33:35 final 2:06:09

MARISSA MUNIZ (fall 2001) swim 00:13:30 bike 01:34:08 run 00:40:03 final 2:27:41

BRIGETTE VALENZUELA (spring 1999) swim 00:13:00 bike 01:41:41 run 00:45:31 final 2:40:12


Lee Merschon (fall 2000 lifeguard training)

B.S. psychology with emphasis in math.

U.C. Davis


FC3 Kernen J Dibble Fall 2001 lifeguard training, wrote in February, 2005:

Greetings from VA! I just thought I'd take a second to send you an email seeing as how I haven't spoken to you in quite some time. As of right now I am still stateside, but I leave for Iraq in June of 06. I just recently got my EMT and a position on the USS BULKELEY VBSS team as their medic & security team leader. Basically we board other ships in the Gulf to check them for guns, drugs, and personnel. I'm not sure that there is much else to tell you about for now but feel free to give my email address to those who want it.


Sean Downey (Spring 2003 lifeguarding graduate) writes in July from Cape May, NJ:

"The second night of bootcamp is almost over and it feels like it's been three or four days. I remember the first day of lifeguard training and how I thought you acted like a drill instructor. I was so wrong! :) All in all, the structure of boot camp is not that different. They teach once, the right way, and expect you to remember and not mess up. If you do mess up you get to hear 'What is your major malfunction?' I think this should be a phrase you should be using regularly."


Yao Li (spring 1998 lifeguard training)

Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, concentration in Artificial Intelligence, MIT, 2004

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, 2004


Catherine Ann Paulazzo

Born: May 26, 2004

4lbs, 14oz 18"

Her mom, Suzy Nemec Paulazzo (fall 1994 lifeguard graduate and regular volunteer with aquatics classes at De Anza) met her dad-to-be while ice skating. He fell near her, losing two teeth, and she gave him first aid.


Petty Officer First Class Tim Alston (fall 1997 lifeguard training) was with a naval special warfare team in the Middle East back in May, 2004.

Petty Officer First Class Tim Alston:

De Anza College lifeguard training graduates in the military has most of the pictures.

An email from him in July said that it's 125 degrees during the day and 90+ at night.


Cooper Joseph DiMiceli was born 1/22/04 at 7:34pm Weight: 8lbs 14oz, Length: 21 inches

Dad: Joey DiMiceli (fall 1989 lifeguard training)


American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Mike Rivers (Fall 1993 lifeguard training) finished the Florida Ironman Saturday, November 8, 2003.

The website said near perfect conditions for the swim, water temp well into the 70s. Lots of jellyfish stings reported. 1,995 athletes, the second largest one-wave swim start in history. The cut-off time for the swim was 2:20 and all but five athletes made the cutoff.

The fastest bike split was 4:23:28. The fastest marathon split was 2:50. The fastest finisher was 8:30. At least 280 penalties and some DQs.

Mike's swim time (2.4 miles) was 1:39:02, bike (112 miles) was 7:47.35 and run (26.2 miles, a marathon) was 5:31.40, for a grand total of 14:58.17.

He finished before some of the 18 to 29 year olds.

Mike said the first half of the swim was flat and clear enough to mostly dodge the jellyfish on the outside of the course where he swam to keep away from the crowd. On the second lap he took an inside track and the water was choppy. He fought a 40 mile per hour headwind on the bike. He came into the race with a running injury, so walked the first half of the marathon but ran the second half and felt good enough to keep running at the end.

Mike actually found himself in this picture from the start at the Ironman:

Lots of details and pictures at


for more hot news go to: Previous De Anza lifeguard graduates news flashes


Outtakes: A certain amount of laughing took place during the photo sessions for a couple of pages at this site.

lift outtake: carry transfer to guard on deck:

backboarding outtake: backboarding mistake Tertia Cole:


teaching assistants' dinners pictures


Newest or favorite webpages:

De Anza College Outdoor Club winter Yosemite trip 2011

De Anza College Outdoor Club Grand Teton trip 2010

lifeguards at the Escape from Alcatraz Alcatri 2010

lifeguards at the Silicon Valley Kid's triathlon 2010

waterfront lifeguard practice May 16, 2010

Outdoor Club Monterey kayak trip 2010 group photos

Soda Butte Creek animal tracks, ouzels and coyote, winter

Road trip advice and etiquette

fatal, near fatal or close call incidents/accidents in camping, backpacking, climbing and mountaineering

Just another day at the home office


In late October 2006 this website received its one millionth hit.

In April, 2008 it received its two millionth hit.

By late 2009 it had 3 million and in late 2010, 4 million, in late 2011, 5 million..

 Updated Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 9:21:54 PM by Mary Donahue -
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