What the AED says as you use it

This is material to go along with reading the chapter on automated external defibrillation in American Red Cross Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillation for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers or American Red Cross Lifeguarding. It is the script of the Red Cross AED Trainers.

Please read the chapter first.

The AED will talk to you as you use it. It won’t always say the same things since the condition of the victim won’t always be the same and since different models say slightly different things.

One model says “get help, get help” when you turn it on.

Follow the AED prompts when giving care, even if they are different from these. The machine might say to deliver three shocks, for example.

Always follow what your unit says, (in the order it says to do things), local protocals, manufacturers instructions and medical direction.

This is an example of what it could say. Follow along in your CPRFPR handbook on page 40-41, or your LGT book on page 212-3.

When you turn on the trainer using scenario 1 it will say:

o This is a training device only. No shock will be delivered.

o Remove clothing from person’s chest.

o Attach pads firmly to person’s chest as shown. (As shown refers to the drawings on the pads.)

o Plug in connector. (Connector light flashes.)

o Check connector and pads. (This is only heard if there’s too long a delay in plugging in, including if the plug is not fully pushed in.)

o Analyzing rhythm.

o Everyone stand clear.

o Shock advised.

o Charging.

o Everyone stand clear. (LOUD beep)

o Push the Shock button. (On many models a light flashes in the shock button.)

(Said again if there’s too long a delay in pressing the shock button after the prior prompt. Many models will keep repeating “push the shock button” if it is not pushed.)

o Shock delivered. (After the Shock button is pushed)

o Begin 5 cycles of CPR.

o 1 minute 30 seconds of CPR remain. (Said after about 30 seconds.)

o 1 minute of CPR remains. (Said after about 1 minute.)

o 30 seconds of CPR remain. (Said after about 1 minute 30 seconds.)

o Analyzing rhythm. (Said after about 2 minutes.)

o Everyone stand clear.

o No shock advised.

o Begin 5 cycles of CPR.

After the CPR, (in this first scenario) the unit does not recommend a shock, and says to begin 5 more cycles of CPR


This is the end of scenario 1.

Scenario 2 recommends another shock after the 5 cycles of CPR.


o Este es un dispositivo de capacitación. No únicamente admitida carga.

o Deje descubierto el pecho de la persona.

o Coloque los electrodos firmemente sobre el pecho de la persona tal como se nuestra.

o Conecta el cable de los electrodos.

o Revisa el conector y los electrodos.

o Revisa el conector y los electrodos. (solamente si una demora larga después de apunte anterior)

o Analizando el ritmo cardiaco

o Apártense

o Se recomiendo descarga

o Cargando

o Apártense (reclamo electrónico MAS RUIDOSO)

o Apártense (solamente si una demora larga después de apunte anterior)

o Oprima el botón de “Descarga/Shock”. (solamente si una demora larga después de apunte anterior)

o Se entregado una descarga. (después de “Descarga/Shock” botón oprimía)

o Comience cinco ciclos de RCP.

o Quedan un minuto y treinta segundos de RCP. (después de 30 segundos)

o Quedan un minuto de RCP. (después de 1 minuto)

o Quedan treinta segundos de RCP. (después de 1 minuto y 30 segundos)

o Analizando el ritma cardiaco.

o Apártense

o No se recomiendo descarga.

o Comienza cinco ciclos de RCP.

Después de RCP, no recomiendo una descarga y se recomiendo comienza cinco ciclos de RCP.

Este es el fin de contexto 1.

Contexto 2 se recomiendo uno descarga mas después de cinco ciclos de RCP.


(Ken Mignosa, an American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer Instructor and Lifeguard Instructor took the time to listen to the AED trainer and write out these scripts.)