Try an edit-find function (hold down Ctrl or Command, then type the letter F) on your computer to ‘search’ this index page.
OR use the search boxes at the top of each webpage
or the list to the side of each webpage.
The sections of this site index (see below) are:
CLASSES (Physical Education Division, then Biological and Health Sciences Division, then Adult Education and Short Courses classes)
OUTDOOR CLUB at De Anza College,
OUTDOOR CLUB SNOW CAMPING ( Yosemite winter trip),
(Links to all De Anza Outdoor Club Coming Attractions are here.)
How to get a message to a De Anza instructor
Student attitudes about disruptive behavior
How to pass a Red Cross written test
Give me proof you’re such a great teacher
KNES Kinesiology course listings at De Anza College
social distancing during swim class
If you lost your Red Cross certification card
How to get a P.E. locker at De Anza College
Map of how to find the location of classroom P.E. 673 at De Anza College
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Center
beginning swimming at De Anza College
intermediate swimming at De Anza College
Lifeguard Training FAQs has details about the Red Cross prerequisite swim tests, including tips, tricks and advice for passing the swim test requirements for pool lifeguard, waterfront lifeguard. The page includes answers to these questions:
To become a lifeguard, do I have to have a perfect freestyle?
Do I have to be a fast swimmer? What if I’m out of shape?
Isn’t it difficult to rescue a heavy person who is sinking to the bottom of a pool?
Do lifeguards have to know how to dive?
What are the Red Cross certification written tests like?
How can I tell if I’m a good swimmer?
Why you should wear a lifejacket.
How to rescue a drowning victim using a reaching assist or a shepherd’s crook
How to rescue a submerged victim
How to remove a victim from the pool
Lifeguard training, swimming, CPR and first aid links
California Lifeguards and Title 22
Neighborhood Watch applied to swim centers
pool rules: attire, health and sanitation
pool rules concerning children
How to blow giant bubble rings in a swimming pool
Simple secondary survey study sheet has:
Times to suspect a spinal injury: (and use a jaw thrust instead of a head tilt, chin lift).
Reasons why a person might become unconscious or semi-conscious (AEIOU TIPS)
causes of altered mental status, fainting, seizures,
Signs and symptoms of a concussion
care for a stroke
normal respiration, pulse, temperature
and a detailed simple secondary survey (SAMPLE, opqrst)
If you suspect a stroke, a question on the HLTH57A final exam
First Aid for Public Safety Personnel study guide
Bloodborne Pathogens quick facts
Tips for guarding open water swims
tips for guarding kids’ triathlons
NOT RESCUE READY Photos of lifeguards on duty who were not ready to rescue
Swimming and Water Safety 2009 index the text did not have an index, so I wrote one
Emergency Action Plan for a coach or swim instructor
Emergency Action Plan for a juvenile detention facility pool
Fifty ways to praise your swim students
How to tell if the lifeguards are doing their job properly The aim of this page is to provide swimmers, parents, child care providers and other swimming pool patrons with a few guidelines to help them determine if the lifeguards at the pool they go to are doing their jobs properly.
lifeguard training: discussing professionalism is an in-service training project, or perhaps for lifeguard candidates to consider on their own.
CPO What a certified pool operator (CPO) knows that lifeguards and swimmers should know.
Preventative Lifeguarding has notes from various staff manuals, personal experiences and the Red Cross texts. It includes UNSAFE PRACTICES or potential problems TO WATCH FOR, areas where most accidents occur and disciplinary action for minor and major infractions.
continuing education credits (units)
If you suspect a stroke, question on the HLTH 57A final exam
If you lost your Red Cross certification card
How to pass a Red Cross written test
Health 57 A and C student evaluations
Health 57A (HLTH57A) is the first aid class at De Anza College
A detailed explanation of how for using more than one model of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (both models we have at De Anza College) is at: AED quick facts
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack; a discussion of consciousness; how to do compressions-only-CPR if you witness the sudden collapse of an adult; elements of effective, quality CPR compressions; heart disease and notes on calling 911 are at hands only CPR
Simple secondary survey study sheet has:
Times to suspect a spinal injury: (and use a jaw thrust instead of a head tilt, chin lift).
Reasons why a person might become unconscious or semi-conscious (AEIOU TIPS)
causes of altered mental status, fainting, seizures,
Signs and symptoms of a concussion
care for a stroke
normal respiration, pulse, temperature
and a detailed simple secondary survey (SAMPLE, opqrst), the questions to ask a conscious victim of injury or sudden illness before they pass out
fast, basic neurological exam includes the basic questions to help a person suspected of having a stroke (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) and much more.
What the AED says as you use it
First Aid for Public Safety Personnel study guide
Bloodborne Pathogens quick facts
Oxygen administration quick facts
A detailed explanation of how for using more than one model of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (both models we have at De Anza College) is at: AED quick facts
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack; a discussion of consciousness; how to do compressions-only-CPR if you witness the sudden collapse of an adult; elements of effective, quality CPR compressions; heart disease and notes on calling 911 are at
Can a person who is prescribed an epi-pen risk going into the wilderness? (and some sting prevention notes) are at: Anaphylaxis quick facts
advance care directives includes a link to get a free copy of an advance care directive
continuing education credits (units)
The Day I Saved the Governator
CPR and First aid short stories
Emergency Action Plan for a juvenile detention facility pool
A detailed explanation of how for using more than one model of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (both models we have at De Anza College) is at: AED quick facts
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack; a discussion of consciousness; how to do compressions-only-CPR if you witness the sudden collapse of an adult; elements of effective, quality CPR compressions; heart disease and notes on calling 911 are at
Community Emergency Response Team Training
(Web logs generally are logs of articles, websites people have found on various subjects, or some blogs are journals or diaries. Some of the blogs at my site are in business only when that class is in session, and will include an occasional class discussion page, others are ongoing.)
Road trip advice and etiquette
Camping Blunders for a laugh
Lifeguard training, swimming, CPR and first aid links
OUTDOOR CLUB at De Anza College
Outdoor Club Basic Info has answers to most questions about how the De Anza College Outdoor Club works.
Outdoor Club Coming Attractions has details about De Anza College Outdoor Club events and on how to find us to pay for a membership, sign up for events or volunteer
Membership benefits Any De Anza College student can become a member of the Outdoor Club.
Club Trip Leader Job Description Any club member can propose and plan a club event.
Carpools are arranged among the students going on the trips, not by the club or the college. For info on how to get/give a ride go to Carpool FAQs
The main rules common to most of Outdoor Club trips, including who is eligible to go, are at: Outdoor Club trip rules.
kayaking / canoeing lessons in the De Anza College pool every quarter
Baylands Kayaking usually May and October – no experience needed
surfing lessons often spring quarter, with professional instructors
Escape from Alcatraz ‘Sharkfest’ swim volunteering
Grand Tetons is the main trip page with all the planned activities and links to other (not club sponsored) activities, such as mountain climbing, galleries, white water rafting, trail rides, restaurants, rodeo, backpacking…
Grand Tetons trip cost has examples of
The cheap trip,
The not-so cheap trip,
The slightly more costly trip, but less driving time,
also known as the I-can’t-get-much-time-off-work trip,
and The Expensive Trip.
If you will be staying in a Colter Bay cabin, Colter Bay cabins, Grand Teton National Park has details about the cabins and the logistics of sharing one.
If you want to get a better room, or even a suite with fabulous view, fireplace, fridge, etc, read more at:Grand Tetons hotels, cabins, lodging
Campers can take a look at a map of Colter Bay campground Grand Teton National park
Grand Tetons restaurants describes the restaurants in the park and has links to menus of ones in town.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming has a description of the main streets and how to find the Whole Foods, Albertson’s, Target, Ace hardware, St John’s Medical Center, skate park, city parks with sand volleyball and/or tennis courts and more.
Grand Tetons trip equipment has advice from previous trip members.
Grand Tetons trip transportation has flight info, driving distances and guesses at gas cost, previous trip examples, AND trip notes with where to find some mega-cheaper gas stations and ways to keep from driving the slow route through towns we need to go through by not taking the obvious freeway exit.
During our trip, if your driver has plans for the day that you don’t want to participate in, or if you arrive by plane before the main group, or if your driver stayed up late and slept in all morning, there is plenty to do at or from Colter Bay without access to your own vehicle. See at NO CAR ON OUR TRIP?
at Grand Tetons trip transportation
Grand Tetons biking is not an official part of the college trip. This page has rules, advice and suggested routes, links to maps, in and out of the park for mountain and road bikes. It includes statistics about cyclist encounters with grizzly bears.
Grand Tetons recommended reading
Grand Tetons whitewater rafting is not an official part of the trip, but often students rent a professionally guided raft together.
Grand Tetons Weather During a thunderstorm, don’t take a shower or use a sink, including washing dishes. Don’t talk on a land line phone. Don’t use your I pod. Don’t get zapped! Thunderstorm and lightning safety
Grand Tetons backpacking is not an official part of the trip, but often trip members do their own backpack adventure.
Cascade Canyon, Grand Teton National Park describes perhaps the best hike in the park, that we do at least once each trip
Colter Bay, Grand Teton National Park
Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve Soundscape Key
Was that a wolf or a coyote? An elk or a moose? Rocky Mountain mammal size comparisons
your safety in grizzly bear territory tells you what to do if you see a bear in the distance or a bear charges you and has info about Bear Pepper Sprays and what might happen before a bison charges.
wildlife jams has safety tips
Road trip advice and etiquette has decisions to make before the trip, packing advice and more from previous road trip members that could make the long drive more tolerable.
map of Jenny Lake campground and notes about the campground
Signal Mountain campground map and notes about the campground
The annual Yosemite valley winter camping trip main trip pages are Snow Camp (with links to info/prices for Badger pass downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding and tubing, the often daily Ranger-led snowshoe walk, Ansel Adams gallery free photo walks, ice skating)
First-timer’s instructions. has info on the logistics of where to pitch your tent, dealing with iced car door locks, staying warm and comfy overnight while winter camping and more
Snow or rain camp must-haves is the list of equipment YOU MUST HAVE (followed by the list of things YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD) to go on the Outdoor Club annual Yosemite snow camp trip, or even on our summer trips. For a checklist of all of the gear (but without all the reasons and descriptions)go to Snow camp equipment checklist .
Using a campsite food storage locker gives you ideas on how to use one, including some logistics on sharing one in a large group.
When any De Anza club camps as a group we face this problem: Someone in a nearby campsite will expect the worst (noise, etc.) from an obviously college-age group. And they will be quick to complain about any rule infraction (some of which carry heavy fines). The club really needs each winter trip member to help us enforce rules during the trip.
Snow camp pre-test sample questions
Snow camp FAQs has the answer to the questions: How do I convince my parent(s)/guardian that I can go on this trip? or How do I convince them to pay for some gear for the trip?
Will it actually snow during our trip? Maybe, maybe not. Snow camp weather, hike safety and first aid considerations includes trail safety notes, and info about mountain lions
Snow camp carpools and driving directions
Safe driving in rain and fog includes info about driving in fog, on black ice, driving in rain, floods (don’t) and chain requirements
Prepare for winter driving has a link to bad weather driving tips, tips for using tire chains, tricks for dealing with frozen car locks, how to prepare your vehicle for winter driving, a winter survival kit for your car, what to do if you get stranded, how to keep windows from fogging up and tips for driving in snow and ice.
Snow chain rentals is advice about renting snow chains or buying snow chains with the intention of possibly returning without use.
Things to do during a Yosemite snow storm besides hiding in your tent has answers to the questions: What if it storms so much on the winter Yosemite trip that they close the road to the ski resort? We won’t be able to ski or take one of the long hikes. Will there be anything to do except hide in the car, play cards at the laundromat or go online at the Lodge?
an eight person tent holds this many campers
Yosemite winter camping trip 2015
At altitude you will probably feel out of breath at first and may even get a headache and lose appetite. You can get more sunburned. Your tent mate might seem to stop breathing.
Backpacking Advice has these sections: Must bring for each large group (or perhaps for each couple or person), Must bring backpacking for each person, Some (crazy?) people think these are optional for backpacking, Backpacking luxuries(?), Do not bring these backpacking, To keep down on weight backpacking, Don’t rush out and buy, BACKBACKING FOOD, Low-cook backpacking foods, Yosemite National Park WILDERNESS PERMITS, Leave no trace camping has these basic principles.
Bears includes how bears break in to cars and how to help prevent it, what to do if you see a bear
deer Information about injuries from deer, deer hazards, baby deer by themselves are not abandoned.
using a bear resistant food storage container includes how to fit more food in one
Campfires can help you learn how to build campfires that don’t smoke too much
for fun: an eight person tent holds this many campers
Cell phones in the wilderness has advice on how/when to use a cell phone to contact 911 in the wilderness and a warning about interference between cell phones, iPods and avalanche beacons.
Club Trip Leader Job Description
Have more fun camping learn how to build campfires that don’t smoke too much, how to pack an ice chest, do dishes in camp and lots more.
Hiking Advice has hot weather hiking advice, hiking logistics and the answer to the question: When is the best time of day to cross a mountain stream?
How to not collide with a deer
How to pitch the Cabela eight-person tent
an eight person tent holds this many campers
Improve your inexpensive rain gear
insect repellant has info on DEET/sunscreen combination products, the recommended concentration of DEET, Deet versus citronella.
loading kayaks on the De Anza trailer will make the job go easier if you have decided you are going on a trip with kayaking.p>
Places to take photos of Half Dome, Bridalveil Fall, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls and Staircase Falls.
Quit being paranoid about sharks
Road trip advice and etiquette
Snow or rain camp must-haves. Is for people who don’t have gear for or have never been rainy/cold camping OR have never been happy while rainy/cold camping.
Thunderstorm and lightning safety includes the answer to the question: Why can’t you swim during a lightning storm? A strike on a lake doesn’t kill all the fish in the lake.
Tips for guarding open water swims
Using a campsite food storage locker gives you ideas on how to use one, including some logistics on sharing one in a large group.
Yosemite Valley free shuttle bus has the route, stops and how to find the store, shower house, and hints for saving time using the free bus by better understanding the route
You can’t always expect a helicopter rescue
see SNOW CAMP above
Bears how bears break into cars and tips for preventing it, what to do if you see a bear
How much water will there be in the Yosemite waterfalls?
How to find the location of John Muir’s cabin (hang nest) in Yosemite Valley
locations to take pictures of Half Dome, Bridalveil Fall, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls and Staircase Falls.
Yosemite Valley is an attempt to show the grandeur of the depth and width of the valley through photos of Yosemite Falls. It has a map of the Yosemite Lodge area.
San Jose area to Yosemite via 120
Pussypaws, Cow Parsnip, Coneflower, Penstemon, Phlox, Columbine, Monkeyflower, Sulphur Flower, Iris, Groundsel and Lupine Tuolumne trip wildflowers
Using a campsite food storage locker gives you ideas on how to use one, including some logistics on sharing one in a large group.
World’s greatest swimming hole
Yosemite nature and photography links has links for wildflower, mammal, bird, geology, star guides and more
Yosemite Valley spring runoff and flooding / Yosemite snow pack has statistics and links about Yosemite valley flooding, spring runoff and snow pack/ snow water content for various years
Yosemite Valley free shuttle bus has the route, stops and how to find the store, shower house, and hints for saving time using the free bus by better understanding the route
Yosemite Valley Rafting Advice includes rentals info and do-it-yourself<p
People climb over barriers meant to protect them and as a result slide over waterfalls in Yosemite. fatal, near fatal or close call incidents/accidents in camping, backpacking, climbing and mountaineering has press releases about them.
Disaster planning Family (and babysitters, caregivers, overnight guests) Disaster Plan
As a part of preparing for the next earthquake, do a what if? survey of your home. earthquake home hazards survey
You can find detailed maps (with zoom in capability) of potential road closures, risk of liquefaction and flooding, at the ABAG link at: Earthquake information sources
Helping Children Cope With Disaster
Store water for after an earthquake
Babysitter Consent and Contact Form
Fast, easy, cheap earthquake preparedness
hazardous household chemical mixtures
Earthquake and pets advice (Consider having the vet ‘microchip’ your pets, and more…)
Community Emergency Response Team training
Why bother preparing for an earthquake? It’s too much work
earthquake preparedness presentation
earthquake preparedness presentation links
Volunteering at the 2017 Escape from Alcatraz Sharkfest swim
2009 Senior Games triathlon lifeguards
guarding the Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon, 2004
guarding the Silicon Valley Kids’ Triathlon 2005
guarding the Silicon Valley Kid’s Triathlon 2007
volunteer lifeguards at the Silicon Valley Kids’ Triathlon 2009
lifeguards at the Silicon Valley Kid’s triathlon 2010
lifeguards at the 2011 Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon
lifeguards at the Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon 2012
guarding the 2006 Alcatri triathlon
lifeguards at the Escape from Alcatraz Alcatri 2010
fall quarter 2017 Monterey ocean kayak day trip
2017 Monterey Bay kayak spring break trip<
De Anza College Monterey kayak trip October 2016
De Anza College Outdoor Club Monterey kayak trip March 26 2016
ocean kayak October 2013 group photos
Outdoor Club Monterey kayak trip 2010 group photos
Outdoor Club Ocean Kayak Day Trip April 2007
sea otter visits Shannon Mathey’s kayak Monterey 2006
ocean kayak October 2013 group photos
Outdoor Club Monterey kayak trip 2010 group photos
March 2004 ocean kayak group photos
Outdoor Club Ocean Kayak Day Trip April 2007
World’s greatest swimming hole
De Anza College Outdoor Club Tuolumne trip August 2006
De Anza College Outdoor Club Tuolumne trip August 2006 larger pictures
Yosemite valley overnight accommodations (cabins, tent cabins, hotel rooms, campgrounds)
an eight person tent holds this many campers
Yosemite Falls view in February snow and other seasons
Yosemite winter 2004 camping trip
Yosemite snow camp 2005 group photo in tent
February 2005 Yosemite camping
De Anza College Outdoor Club Yosemite winter trip 2006
De Anza Outdoor Club Yosemite snow camp 2008
De Anza winter Yosemite trip 2009
De Anza Outdoor Club Yosemite winter trip 2010
De Anza College Outdoor Club winter Yosemite trip 2011
2015 Yosemite winter camping trip
Yosemite winter camping trip 2016
Grand Teton National Park between-summer-and-fall-quarters 2017 trip:
Total Solar Eclipse in Grand Teton National Park
Grand Tetons and Jackson Lake aerial photo
map of Jenny Lake campground, Grand Teton National park
map of Colter Bay campground Grand Teton National park
Signal Mountain campground map
Colter Bay cabins, Grand Teton National Park
Cascade Canyon, Grand Teton National Park
Moose cow and calf, Grand Teton National Park September, 2006
Grand Tetons beaver lodge pictures
NASA aerial photo of Teton Range
Soda Butte Creek animal tracks, ouzels and coyote, winter
Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park photos
Grand Teton National Park trip 2011
De Anza College Outdoor Club Grand Teton trip 2010 <p
Grand Teton National Park trip 2008
De Anza College Outdoor Club Grand Teton park trip 2006
Surfing Oct. 2003 photo page one
Surfing Oct. 2003 photo page two
surfing lesson pictures May 2005
waterfront lifeguard practice May 16, 2010
an eight person tent holds this many campers
The De Anza college swimming pool is big enough…
- Black and white aerial photo/maps are at:
Grand Tetons and Jackson Lake aerial photo
map of Jenny Lake campground, Grand Teton National park
map of Colter Bay campground Grand Teton National park
Signal Mountain campground map
Colter Bay, Grand Teton National Park
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Center The De Anza College, (Cupertino, California) Wellness Center is one of the best kept secrets in Silicon Valley. It is staffed by college educators, not salespeople. You won’t be offered 90 days for only $199.99, a long term contract or minimum year long membership.
De Anza College home games also has links to student recitals, dance performances, art exhibitions, kayaking lessons in the De Anza swimming pool, Family Astronomy Evenings and Laser Light Shows, guided campus tours and blood drives.
Swim classes faqs answers questions about De Anza College swim classes, such as
Do I need to bring my swimsuit the first day of class?
Where it lists a prerequisite, does that mean I have to have taken the De Anza prerequisite class before?
I can’t float, can I learn to swim?
I’ve never been in a swimming pool, can I learn to swim?
When I tried to enroll I was put on the “WAIT LIST.” How do I get moved to the enrolled list?
What does it mean to ask for a P/NP grade?
and answers questions about waitlists, adds/drops and makeups.
There is also a link to find the curriculum (course outline or course content, usually designed by a division and reviewed and approved by the college) for any De Anza class.
LIFEGUARDING, swim instruction
Lifeguard training, swimming, CPR and first aid links
Index to Red Cross classes resources
pool rules: attire, health and sanitation
pool rules concerning children
Painting of a Southern Leopard Frog and Tri-colored Heron used by permission of the artist, Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen: