KNES 001A (formerly P.E. 26A) is the Novice swimming class at De Anza.
For info about the novice swim class click on these links:
If you are not sure whether this is the right class for you, read a description of typical students and goals of the class at: Novice swimming
Novice Swim FAQs has the cost, etc.
If you think you can’t learn to swim, read Letters from novice students
This page is used for messages (see below) to my KNES 001A students during quarters the class is in session.
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If you read about the class too late to add, please at least be enrolled at De Anza before the first class so you can add if we find we have the space.
Enrollment and registration steps for De Anza College are at:
High School students can take classes at De Anza College, see:
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has the most current info about any requirements for Covid vaccinations and boosters.
Note that we have never had to wear Covid masks in the pool.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Quarter to be announced
We will be in the pool the first class
Saturday (date to be announced)
, so bring your swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, (optional) swim cap.
Sunscreen, P/NP grading, waitlists and more
are covered at
How to find the pools.
Info about parking permits, including electric vehicle charging stations, is at:
Designated quiet spaces with power and Wi-Fi on campus can be found at:
There is a great video of the De Anza College pool complexat
Practice on a stand-up paddleboard (SUP) is usually, but not always, a part of the last day of my swim classes. It is optional and will not apply to your grade.

Men should note that there is a storage room in the left tunnel that is accessed by both female and male personnel, and they should change clothes in the locker room, not the tunnel.
At the exterior pool end of the tunnel there are showers on the wall, especially good when the locker-rooms are closed (being used by a visiting athletic team, or . . .).
No, it is not too cold to take a swim class in an outdoor pool. The pool is heated enough for seniors exercise programs. A swim cap makes you warmer and faster. You can also stay warmer (and have more modesty) with ‘rash guard’ type tight-fitting shirt, cyclists shorts, but many people just go ahead and swim. (I often wear one or two men’s ‘jammer’ long-legged swimsuits over my regular suit when I swim at 6:30 a.m. in the winter.)
below, lifeguard Samir and swimmers model warm swimwear including various coverages of rash guards and jammers:
Many people wear a long sleeved rashguard top and jammers (men’s longer legged swim suit) for extra sun protection, modesty or warmth.
Ladies wear them for more coverage over their regular swim suit.
Some buy a spring (short sleeve, short leg) wetsuit for warmth.
If you want full coverage of your body, including arms, legs, neck and head, I suggest searching for Muslim swimsuits or full body modesty or Islamic modesty swimsuit. You can find designs for triathletes that will not interfere with swimming movements. Unfortunately, some modest swim “costumes” do interfere. I suggest that you look for a training, competition or triathlon swim suit in one piece, without a skirt or loose top, loose legs. Your swim suit must not have a hat brim at the top of the forehead on the head covering. The head covering / hood must not interfere with your vision to the side as you move. Some people wear a rash guard type athlete’s suit with long legs, long arms and no hood, and wear a swim cap rather than a full hood.
You can find men’s swim shorts with coverage above the navel and below the knees.
Some of these swim suits are made of materials that can provide sun protection.
There is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in a white box on the wall at the south-east end of the swimming pool, the pool shallow end, where our swim class meets.
It could be used, by anyone trained in how to use it, to help someone who has a massive heart attack and their heart stops. Please note that when someone opens the door to the box on the wall a loud alarm goes off that does not stop when the door is shut.
For those of you already trained in how to use an AED, the model originally put at the pool deck is a little bit different than most. To turn it on you pull where it says “PULL” and when that lid lifts off you will find the pads already attached to the machine. (Many other models have you plug in a connector for the pads.)
Photos of other locations around the campus are at AED locations at De Anza College
For an introduction to, or review of, CPR and the use of an AED, go to:
The swimming pool area in the PE quad has electronic gates that AUTOMATICALLY open and lock up. You will always be able to exit the pool area using push bars on the inside of each door.
The classroom we have used at the start of some classes (to watch Red Cross / USA Swimming how-to-do it videos) will be either FORUM 4 or PE12U.
FORUM building classroom number 4 is at the right hand side of the red-colored FOR (Forum) building in the map below. It is the building just to the north of the PE quad, and the door to the classroom is on the end of the building towards Parking Lot C.
To get to PE12U from the pool deck, you would go through the doors/gates between PE buildings PE1 and PE2, turn left and look for a door in the building on your left with stairs up to PE12U. See buildings PE1 and PE2 at this map:
(Ooooops, the tiny yellow letters in the photo above that you can barely read are where the door is.)
Pictures from summer quarter 2010: (jumping off the diving boards is optional in this class, but most students try it by the end of the quarter. Practice kayaking is an optional Outdoor Club event, not always a part of the class, but a lot of novice students join in the practice.)
Pictures from fall quarter 2010:
two photos below from Sumana Praharaju
photos below from Guru Parab
The De Anza Library has free access for current students to the New York Times. Go to the library database page: and click on The New York Times. At the next screen, log in with your Portal IDs. On the next screen, create an account.
When these classes are held on a weekend, please note, each first Saturday of the month there is a flea market at De Anza, (unless it is totally rained out), taking up a lot of parking space. IF the campus is charging for parking and issuing parking permits, there will be parking attendants asking for ten dollars to park, but if you have purchased a quarter-long permit and tell them you are there for a swim class, they should let you in without paying extra. DO NOT try to park in the lot on the east (Stelling road) side of the campus, there is almost always much more room, and less hassle if you park in lot E, on the other side of the PE quad. Find Lot E at:
OR try the Flint Center parking garage, at the Stevens Creek and Highway 85 corner of the campus, as even the top floor has space most Flea Market days. You will need to plan time for the walk from there, but that could be faster than driving around and around looking for a parking space.
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Homework … in a swim class??
All swim classes at De Anza share the same curriculum, (the course content, designed by De Anza College). Each instructor must teach the same set of skills and knowledge about swimming.
Homework is required by the college. A previous Dean wrote the curriculum and specified term papers. For my classes I had my students decide what would be a good length for each paper and that is what we use.
De Anza requires that swim students are taught strokes, treading water and underwater swimming, (and in higher level classes, turns and diving). No De Anza College swim classes are just lap swim. The curriculum required by the college says that ALL swim students will:
Examine the global and historical development of swimming from survival to competition.
Experiment with the laws of physics as they apply to basic swimming skills.
Apply basic exercise physiology and nutrition to swimming.
Analyze causes of drowning and apply safe water practices.
and novice swim students will
Examine body position as it relates to individual stroke components.
Combine stroke components into whole swim strokes.
Demonstrate the ability to perform one major swim stroke for a distance of 25 yards.
De Anza also specifies that there will be assignments, such as:
1. Assigned readings from the text book ‘Fit and Well” by Thomas Fahey et al.
2. Review instructor generated handouts on basic swimming skills and water safety. (For this class the “handouts” are online and we will watch Red Cross/ USA Swimming how-to-swim videos.)
Writing –
Again, the lengths of these papers was decided by students.
1.Essay on one of the five components of fitness based on the textbook “Fit and Well” by Fahey et al.
(250 words)
(The five components to choose from are: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition, each a chapter in the text.)
2.One short essay on the history of swimming or swimming in the student’s home country
(250 words)
3.Graded comprehensive final exam based on textbook readings and handouts
These areas would require hours of lecture to cover them as required. In an effort to be able to spend more time in the water I have developed some short online reading assignments to cover most of them. You will notice that some of the reading is listed as optional. For some you are asked to read the material, but not write up anything and turn it in. Others are “homework” assignments.
Relax, most of these are short assignments.

Students receive a link to Canvas after they register for each class, on a date specified by the college.
(In other words, I can’t tell you when to expect the link to Canvas, but it should be shortly before the quarter starts.)
The Canvas pages will not be available to submit the work until about a week before the class meets for the first time, but all the homework will be available at this webpage for people to read any time.
If you want to, you can do almost all the homework assignments listed at this webpage in advance of when they become available at the Canvas webpage, save them on your computer, then copy and paste them into Canvas. Links to documents will not be accepted (example: . . etc. ) You must actually enter the text.
Students who think they might take swim classes from me in the future should save the homework on their own computer. Very little of it changes from quarter to quarter, and you can use what you wrote over again later quarters – if you saved the assignments (but you will need to do a new Personal Practice Journal each quarter.).
(Look below for all assignments at: CLASS CALENDAR with HOMEWORK )
Once you have enrolled in the class and get the code, you can access all Canvas materials by going to any De Anza College webpage, and in the tool bar at the top, which should look like this:
click on the Canvas tab, which should look like this:
The left hand side bar at most Canvas class webpages for fully online classes might have many topics:
but you will only see a few of these at our swim class Canvas page.
In your fully online De Anza College classes you will have group projects, class discussions, conferences, attendance at /in Canvas, but since we will meet in person at/in the De Anza College swimming pool we will do none of those activities online.
Since we meet in person at the pool, we will also not use the usual “conversations,” “groups,” “collaborations,” or “peer reviews” that fully online classes use to talk to and work with each other online at Canvas.
If you have questions you will not “submit” them on Canvas like you would in a totally online class, you can ask them at the pool, in person.
Students tell me that watching these videos before they did work on Canvas helped them a lot: Please note that the most important calendar for our swim classes is not the abbreviated calendar you will find at Canvas, but rather is the one below at this webpage,
There are also step-by-step Canvas Student Guides anyone can access to learn how this online system functions,
that show you how to perform common tasks in Canvas, from changing your profile to submitting an assignment.
A modern computer with updated Web browsers (Firefox, Safari, or Chrome) and an Internet connection is all you need.
Most public libraries have a few computers for people to use. The De Anza College library has a lab where you can access many computers: and a few laptops for loan to students:
A common mistake happens when, as a student described it, you have
“multiple assignment windows open at the same time”
and post the wrong homework into the wrong tab.
(Or even homework from a different class you are taking).
I will not be notifying students if they make this mistake or if they only submit one example of something new they learned from a reading instead of the three of four or . . . new or most important things learned.
Each student is responsible for completing homework as described and on time, according to the deadlines at Canvas. (Students have been successful at this . . . at least 60% to 80 % of each class earns an “A” ( A+, A or A-) grade.)
Homework is listed below for each day of class but is completed at the Canvas webpage all enrolled students will receive a link to. Please note that the due date on Canvas should be the same as mentioned here at the class calendar, but most of the work is available at Canvas much earlier than it is due. We intend to talk about the assignments in class on the date they are due and sometimes have an in-class project that works better if people have done the reading. If everyone completes each assignment by the due date the conversations in class will be more interesting to everyone.
Also note at Canvas the final due date / time that each can be submitted for full credit.
And note that you should not post a link to a document you stored at another computer.
You need to enter the full text at the Canvas homework page so there is a permanent copy of it.
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Saturday (date to be announced)
we will be in the pool so everyone, enrolled, waitlisted or wanting to add, must bring your swimsuit. (And advised you bring your towel(s), sunscreen, unbreakable water bottle, swim cap.)
People wanting to add should remember to have their student ID number and Portal password and a way to add the class (smart-enough phone or laptop with a smart-enough phone to use as a wi-fi hotspot if we are not getting wi-fi service at the pool.)
or a piece of paper with your name printed on it.
Put your first and last name as it is on the campus records, not a nickname you prefer. For example, the person holding the paper below might usually go by Sam, rather than his name Samuel that will be on the roll sheet:

IF everyone enrolled can complete the first day assignments before they come to class the first day,
and those not yet enrolled can at least read them,
the class can get in the water sooner.
If you are waitlisted or read about this with not enough time to add or get on the waitlist before the first class,
please at least read the homework assignments listed below.
If necessary for students who are not added before the first class session, and did not have access to Canvas, some of the following will be completed in class during the first class session.
Completed before or during the first session:
– – – De Anza College swim classes have a release for all students to sign.
Since there is no format in Canvas (where you will be completing this) for a release to be “signed,” it is there as a “quiz.”
By answering TRUE to the swim class release one-question-quiz at the Canvas class webpage, you are stating you agree to following the rules in the release, which you can read here.
– – – Read the swim class safety rules webpage and go to Canvas and take the mini-quiz.
It is ‘open book,’ so you can have the safety rules webpage open on another tab on your computer while you take the quiz. Because it is open book you will have one try at completing the quiz.
– – – Read the course syllabus, which has the grading standards, class rules, how to do makeups and more. You are responsible for the material in this document. (This is also known as the ‘greensheet’ in many De Anza classes.)
– – – Each swim class at De Anza includes curriculum (the subjects that are supposed to be taught in the class) about hydrodynamics, some of which we usually discuss the first day of class. A project we might have the time for the first day will be easier if you have read: You CAN Float.
After class, start your personal practice journal, which you can read about here.
Again, please note: if you want to, you can do the homework assignments listed at this webpage in advance of when they become available at the Canvas webpage, save them on your computer, then copy and paste them into Canvas.
Read ankle stretching to become a faster swimmer
about how having more toe point, giving you more flex for your feet, can improve your freestyle and butterfly kick, and make you a faster swimmer.
Substantial progress on this is possible in only one quarter length swim class.
Read the page and (unless we did it already in class) have someone you live with measure your toe point.
(Down to 2 inches is great, many of my students can’t point below 6 inches and benefit from any amount of greater flexibility they can attain.)
Working on improving your toe point is optional and we won’t be doing measurements in class to track your progress, but former students who have worked on stretching to get a better toe point have told me they made surprisingly great progress by the end of the quarter. AND they become faster swimmers in the process by turning their feet into better fins!
not to mention becoming better dancers and ice skaters . . .
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We might have time the first class session, (or we can aim for the second class session) for practice of learning the scissors kick to tread water. And you can do it at home as well.
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Reading with no writing assignment required:
Preventing swimmer’s ear
STOP THAT CRAMP! 4 causes — and solutions — for muscle cramps during exercise
You should remove your piercings… optional reading: body piercings and lifeguards:
Along with the stretches we will try in class, this could also help:
U.S. Masters Swimming has tips for stretching for swimmers.
Homework for
Saturday (date to be announced)
These are all examples of common mistakes with the freestyle stroke:
Many of my intermediate and advanced students have told me they could breathe to the side during their freestyle swimming, but it never felt right. Other students have not been able to breathe to the side yet at all.
I made a webpage with lots of photos of common errors, that people can learn from even before their stroke is at that level.
Read the webpage of common errors in freestyle swimming
and write up, at the Canvas homework page, three things you did not know,
or if it all is familiar to you, write up the three most important errors you should prevent.
Read Swim Vocabulary webpage and briefly write up, at Canvas, three new things you learned. If you already knew everything at that page, write up the three most important to you.
Optional: read the Swimming workout vocabulary webpage
photo below copyright by Ken Mignosa:
A student had a question about which diet to choose, but there are problems with “diets.”
In the New York Times we read:
“Why Exercise Is More Important Than Weight Loss for a Longer Life
People typically lower their risks of heart disease and premature death far more by gaining fitness than by dropping weight.”
Every currently enrolled De Anza student has free access for current students to the New York Times. Go to the De Anza library database page: and click on The New York Times. At the next screen, log in with your Portal IDs. On the next screen, create an account.
Dates / times Active Assailant Training (Run Hide Defend presentations) will be posted when know them.
Conference rooms A and B are upstairs in the Campus Center.
A closed-captioned version of the active shooter “RUN / HIDE / FIGHT” video is at:
in Spanish:
in Vietnamese:
Thursday, (date to be announced) 11AM-1PM,
The Outdoor Club will have a table and displays at the
on-campus De Anza College Club Day,
Club Day had always been in the main quad, or sometimes relocated to the nearby Sunken Garden:
Club Day runs 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and we expect to be there as early at 9:30 a.m.
You can find the main quad and Sunken Garden in about the center of the campus map at:
Anyone from the swim class is invited to come and get questions answered about coming adventures, or just hang out and get to know some new people.

Homework for
Saturday (date to be announced)
Read Water safety and briefly write up four new things you learned.
If you already knew everything at that page, write up the four most important things mentioned.
If you want to you can do this in advance of when it becomes available at the Canvas webpage, save it on your computer, then copy and paste it into Canvas.
Please note that this Water Safety reading is different than the Swim Class Safety Rules reading everyone did the first day of class.
optional reading:
optional reading:
optional reading: Signs and symptoms of a heart attack; a discussion of consciousness; how to do compressions-only-CPR if you witness the sudden collapse of an adult; elements of effective, quality CPR compressions, and heart disease hands only CPR
Start reading chapters 1, 2, 3 (cardiorespiratory endurance), (4 muscular strength, muscular endurance), 5 (flexibility), 6 (body composition) and 7 (putting together a fitness program) in Fit and Well.
At the end of the quarter you will need to turn in a 250 word Essay on one of the five components of fitness This link describes the essay and gives you sources of info on your choice of either cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, OR body composition.
May 5 we will start class in a classroom to watch a Red Cross / USA Swimming how-to-swim freestyle video, then go to the pool.
We will be at FORUM 4.
FORUM building classroom number 4 is at the right hand side of the red-colored FOR (Forum) building in the map below. It is the building just to the north of the PE quad, and the door to the classroom is on the end of the building towards Parking Lot C.
Homework for
Saturday (date to be announced)
Read: How to rescue a drowning victim using a reaching assist or a shepherd’s crook and write up three new things you learned from the page.
If you already knew everything at that page, write up the three most important things mentioned.
We will set up a practice of using a shepherd’s crook.
May (date TBA) there will be a flea market almost all day using all of parking lots A and B. DO NOT try to park in the lot on the east (Stelling road) side of the campus or the Stelling Parking Structure, there is almost always much more room, and less hassle if you park in lot E, on the other side of the PE quad. Find Lot E at:
OR try the Flint Center parking garage, at the Stevens Creek and Highway 85 corner of the campus, as even the top floor has space most Flea Market days. You will need to plan time for the walk from there, but that could be faster than driving around and around looking for a parking space.
Photo below of Mallard ducks in the De Anza swimming pool by lifeguard instructor George Cullison.
Homework for
Saturday (date to be announced)
Read History of swimming section webpage through to History of aquatics not yet in the curriculum and briefly write up three new things you learned. If you already knew everything at that page, write up the three most important to you.
The answer to the question: How much of this homework do I have to do to get the grade I want? is at the the course syllabus,which has the grading standards.
De Anza College Outdoor Club does a kayak day trip with a paddling lesson, at Baylands Preserve in Palo Alto
Baylands Preserve in Palo Alto is 16 minutes from the De Anza Campus.
You will learn to paddle the same kayak model you could use on the between-summer-and-fall-quarter trip to Grand Teton National Park.
Read details at:
You must sign up in advance and we have limited space for people.
Photos from the October 2022 kayaking lesson
Homework for:
Saturday (date to be announced)
The American Cancer Society has skin cancer prevention info at:
Read the
Take Steps to Protect Yourself
sections and write up three new things you learned about how to protect yourself from skin cancer.
If you already knew everything at that site, write up the three most important things mentioned.
At the Portal, as of March, it said the last day to drop with a “W” (withdraw) for our swim class is June 2, so people who want to do so should probably drop after class today. After June 2 it would be impossible to drop quarter-length classes and people who have not been regularly attending might not have a way to catch up on attendance. Please read the details at
If you finish this class you can not take it again (unless you get a non-passing D or F) grade, but that is not recommended.
Ways to be able to repeat a class are at: repeatability.
Whether you decide to drop the class or finish it, please note that to save copies of your homework you must do so before you drop the class or it officially ends, as you will no longer have access to the Canvas homework pages after that.
No class due to the holiday
Saturday (date to be announced)
Homework for:
Saturday (date to be announced)
Go to: Nutrition
and do the readings, choose a “powerhouse pre-workout snack,” and write up the assignment at the page at Canvas.
June (date TBA) there will be a flea market almost all day using all of parking lots A and B. DO NOT try to park in the lot on the east (Stelling road) side of the campus or the Stelling Parking Structure, there is almost always much more room, and less hassle if you park in lot E, on the other side of the PE quad. Find Lot E at:
OR try the Flint Center parking garage, at the Stevens Creek and Highway 85 corner of the campus, as even the top floor has space most Flea Market days. You will need to plan time for the walk from there, but that could be faster than driving around and around looking for a parking space.
Optional reading with no homework:
How to Swim Healthy
Swimming offers many health benefits, but it is also associated with health risks (for example, diarrhea, drowning, and sunburn). Swimmers and hot tub users should learn how to protect themselves and others from potential health problems. You can choose to swim healthy by educating yourself and sharing information with family and friends.
Reading these fulfills part of the required curriculum for De Anza College swim classes (but is not a part of the homework assignment), that I choose to have you read about instead of spending swim class time with me lecturing on them, so we can be in the water more:
Mayo Clinic on what to eat before a workout:
“Eating and exercise: 5 tips to maximize your workouts
Knowing when and what to eat can make a difference in your workouts. Understand the connection between eating and exercise.”
Why swimming is so good for you
Should you warm up and cool down?
Homework due on Canvas
Saturday (date to be announced)
Turn in the 250 word Essay on one of the five components of fitness
Turn in the 250 word swim class short essay
No homework due
Saturday (date to be announced)
I scheduled most homework to be completed before the end of the quarter so you can concentrate on your other finals and since so many people need transcripts, so I can get grades in on time.
Please note that your personal workout journal if you have been keeping one, will be due Wednesday, (date to be announced) It must be turned in by the time specified at Canvas, (not in a faculty mailbox, etc.) and note that I do not accept emailed homework.
Saturday (date to be announced)
, we will start class in a classroom to watch the videotape of students freestyle we recorded last week, and watch again a Red Cross / USA Swimming how-to-swim freestyle video, maybe another video, then go to the pool.
We will be at FORUM 4.
FORUM building classroom number 4 is at the right hand side of the red-colored FOR (Forum) building in the map below. It is the building just to the north of the PE quad, and the door to the classroom is on the end of the building towards Parking Lot C.
Homework due on our last day, Saturday (date to be announced),
Complete the open book do-it-at-home swim class final exam.
OOPs, if it’s been awhile since you read the text; Fit and Well text chapter notes could help you with the final.
HLTH-057A, the De Anza class for certification in Red Cross first aid (or just to learn first aid), meets your choice of Fall, Winter or Spring quarter, for
ONLY FOUR Friday afternoons.
look in the schedule of classes for
a 4-week course with meetings on Friday afternoons,
1:30 PM-04:20 PM on campus.
Various swim students have taken the class in anticipation of possibly becoming lifeguards. One swim student got the highest A+ in the HLTH57A class fall quarter 2018, another swim student got a perfect score on the final exam in spring 2019. In Spring 2022, two swim students got A+ grades in the class, and one of them, who had practiced various lifeguard swim tests during swim class, went on to pass a lifeguard class two weeks later.
You could do all the homework, as listed at the class webpage, in advance, save it on your computer, and then turn it in at Canvas once you are in the class and the class starts. You guessed it, no textbook to purchase, all the readings are listed at the class webpage.
Photos by Joyce Kuo:
The De Anza Outdoor Club has a kayaking lesson in the De Anza pool each quarter on a weekend. Details and a few pictures from previous lessons are posted at:
kayaking / canoeing lessons
I recommend volunteering at an Escape from Alcatraz swim BEFORE you try to swim it:
Escape from Alcatraz ‘Sharkfest’ swim volunteering
Golden Gate Sharkfest July 22, 2018
and participating in an Outdoor Club kayaking lesson first will give you a start on enough kayaking experience to volunteer.
No kayaking experience is needed for Outdoor Club lessons. The trip is designed for first timers, but people with experience kayaking also join us, especially if they want to introduce friends to kayaking. (Some students have done Outdoor Club lessons many times!)
Former De Anza student Ken Mignosa, (who yours truly trained at De Anza as a Red Cross lifeguard, mentored as a Lifeguard Instructor and then as a Lifeguard Instructor Trainer, and who I occasionally teach with in lifeguard classes at the Fremont High School pool in Sunnyvale for the California Sports Center),
completed a 41-mile marathon swim, for 29 hours and 22 minutes, starting in Oxnard, swimming around Anacapa Island to Santa Cruz Island and then back to Oxnard on Sept. 21, 2018.
An article in the Silicon Valley Voice
“It was a swim no one had ever accomplished before and it was the second longest solo marathon swim in California Channel Islands history. . .
Amazingly, Mignosa only began attempting marathon swims in July of 2017 at the age of 53.
“I’d be in [the pool] for an hour or two and I didn’t feel like it was enough,” said Mignosa. He laughs and says that the other downside was having to turn around too soon.
Now Mignosa swims in the San Francisco Bay where he only has to turn around when he’s ready to. Marathon swimmers are not allowed to use a wetsuit in challenges because it adds buoyancy to the swimmer, so Mignosa doesn’t wear one while training.
“Ideally, anything I do for training is colder than what I do for the marathon swim,” said Mignosa. “As long as you keep moving, it tends to be okay.”
Ken “completed the California Triple Crown in 2017 which includes a swim across Lake Tahoe, a swim from Catalina Island to the Mainland, and a swim from the Mainland to Anacapa Island . . .
. . . Mignosa now has his sights set on completing the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming. He has already completed two of the swims — from Catalina Island to the Mainland and the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim which takes you around Manhattan Island in New York. All that he has left is to swim the English Channel.”
Ken swam the English Channel June 19, 2021. “This English Channel swim finished the triple crown of marathon swimming for me. The triple crown is a swim from Catalina Island to Palos Verdes which I completed in 2017, a swim around Manhattan which I completed in 2018 and the English Channel crossing.”
read lots more at: Ken Mignosa swims
The dates of the De Anza Outdoor Club trip to Grand Teton National Park are announced at that webpage.
Participants can stay for a shorter, longer or much longer trip; for a long weekend or many weeks.
We will have four or five or six or more official kayaking days suitable for beginners and plan to do a short to major all-day (your choice of distance, with or without a Ranger Naturalist), hike into Cascade Canyon. Most trip participants usually do all the standard Grand Tetons sightseeing and museum tours. Some have rented bikes or gone white-water rafting or on a horse-back ride or to Yellowstone National Park on their own.
Outdoor Club surfing lessons spring quarter
It might be still downloadable for free. Go to
scroll down to Participant Materials and click on and open Swimming and Water Safety Manual.
The Cooper 12 minute swim test is on page 192, where it says “The 12-minute swimming test, devised by Kenneth Cooper, M.D., is an easy, inexpensive way for men and women of all ages to test their aerobic capacity (oxygen consumption) and to chart their fitness program.”
(The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Manual had no index, so I wrote one: Swimming and Water Safety 2009 index).
To get a free download of the copyrighted 2016, released 2017 American Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual go to:
scroll down to
Participant Materials (Core)
then click on and save
Lifeguarding Manual June 2017
To make it easier to find the skills sheets pages write in your Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual.
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The Red Cross prerequisite swim tests are described at: Lifeguard Training FAQS That page has lots of how to pass the tests advice, including some of the standards expected by the Red Cross and is worth reading thoroughly if you are tempted to try a lifeguard class.
De Anza College home games usually has the dates of the campus blood drives as well links to student recitals, dance performances and art exhibitions.
programs for student success in all kinds of classes, including tutorials, readiness, academic skills, instructional computing and more:
More students qualify for financial aid than use it or even know they qualify. There are enrollment fee waivers you can apply for online which take about a week to get an answer. For all the details go to:
You don’t have to pay for all your classes/fees at once. De Anza has an installment payment plan that allows you to defer most of your payments. Go to:
De Anza College offers many scholarships, some of which have few applicants!
Check out the loot:
The De Anza College Food Pantry (also known as the Campus Cupboard) provides food to students in need. You can get a bag of groceries with few forms to fill out.
Various local businesses give discounts to De Anza Associated Student Body card holders. A page of discounts (mostly 10% off food) is at
You can read the curriculum, (course outline or course content, usually designed by a division then reviewed and approved by the college) for any De Anza class at:
De Anza College offers offers help to quit smoking
“Thirdhand smoke is residual nicotine and other chemicals left on indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. People are exposed to these chemicals by touching contaminated surfaces or breathing in the off-gassing from these surfaces. This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix including cancer causing compounds, posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers — especially children.
Thirdhand smoke clings to clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, bedding, carpets, dust, vehicles and other surfaces long after smoking has stopped. . . ”
“Family Issues, romantic relationship difficulties, anxiety, stress” and other personal issues should preferably be dealt with while they are not a big deal, before they do become a big deal. “From time to time, problems of everyday living can be resolved through talking with friends, family, or someone whom we trust to help us. However, there are times when seeking help outside of one’s familiar environment might be more helpful. Psychological Services is here to meet such needs.”
The aim of this page is to provide swimmers, parents, child care providers and other swimming pool patrons with a few guidelines to help them determine if the lifeguards at the pool they go to are doing their jobs properly.
Many of my students ask me if I can teach their children to swim.
De Anza only has swim classes for teens and adults. For swim classes for kids (infants, toddlers or children), I recommend Sharky’s Swim School in San Jose. The owner is a graduate of De Anza lifeguard training, with 25 plus years of experience teaching babies and children to swim. The pool is kept warm so you and your baby won’t be cold.
As a part of preparing for PG&E power outages, rolling blackouts or lack of power after an earthquake, you can do simple, inexpensive things.
Do it yourself earthquake preparedness
earthquake home hazards survey
Community Emergency Response Team training
When you call 911 from a land line telephone, such as in your house, you get dispatch for the city the phone (your house) is located in. When you call 911 from a cell phone
you get the Highway Patrol at a central location. Sometimes, especially if you are not calling about something on the freeway/highway, it would be faster to get dispatch for the specific city the problem is happening in.
This requires knowing the direct dial seven digit phone number for each dispatch. In Cupertino, the number to get help quicker is 299-2311.
Cupertino police/sheriff can be direct dialed from a cell phone at: 1 (408) 299-2311. De Anza emergency can be directly dialed from a cell phone at 1 (408) 924 8000.
Direct dial emergency phone numbers for most cities in Santa Clara County, California, can be found at the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) website.
San Mateo County cities (and the San Francisco airport) direct dial phone numbers can be found at:
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How to blow giant bubble rings in a swimming pool
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If there are a multitude of items on the ballot and you only vote on one of them, your vote will still be counted.
If you are homeless, including living out of your car, you can register to vote.
There is no literacy requirement.
If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can pre-register to vote and you will automatically be registered to vote on your 18th birthday.
The main deadline to register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before that election.
If you are registering or re-registering less than 15 days before an election you will need to complete the same-day voter registration process and request your ballot in person at your county elections office or polling location.
BUT you can register to vote on election day as well.
There actually have been elections that ended in a tie, in part because many people did not vote.
From Rock The Vote: “Millennials have the potential to be the largest voting bloc in our country but are voting at a fraction of their size, with an estimated 30 million young people staying home in 2012.”
“In 2024 millennials and Generation Z
will comprise 44% of American voters.”