First Aid chapter 1 questions

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As a check to see if you understood the chapter one material

and as a review for possible questions on the final,

AFTER you read the chapter, try to see if you can answer these questions:

“Why might someone be hesitant to respond to an emergency?”

“What are some examples of life-threatening conditions?”

“What information should the person who makes the call be prepared to give the dispatcher?”

“What should you do if you think that a person is unresponsive?”

Give yourself a moment to think about each question, then scroll down past these photos to find the correct answers.

pine trees and low clouds

bear cub part way up a tree

lodgepole pine branch with some snow


Here are the questions with the answers:

“Why might someone be hesitant to respond to an emergency?”


Being uncertain that an emergency actually exists

Fear of doing something wrong or causing further harm

Assuming that the situation is already under control

Squeamishness related to unpleasant sights, sounds or smells (e.g., blood, vomit, traumatic injuries)

Fear of catching a disease

Fear of being sued


“What are some examples of life-threatening conditions, illnesses?”


An altered level of consciousness (LOC), such as confusion

Breathing problems (trouble breathing or no breathing)

Severe external bleeding (bleeding that spurts or gushes steadily from a wound), or vomiting or passing blood

Signs or symptoms of life-threatening medical conditions, such as heart attack or stroke

Severe (critical) burns

Suspected or obvious injuries to the head, neck or spine

Suspected or obvious broken bone

Suspected poisoning that appears to be life threatening

Seizures (but not all seizures)

High fever in young children and infants

Vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration in young children and infants


“What information should the person who makes the call be prepared to give the dispatcher?” (And please note that if you do not have all these answers, you should call right away without trying to get all the answers. For example, you might start by saying: “we have an adult who is having a stroke,” or “a child was hit by a truck and is bleeding heavily,” “or we have an adult who is choking,”
then answer the dispatchers questions.)

The location of the emergency (address, nearby intersections or landmarks, and location within the building)

The nature of the emergency (for example, whether police, fire or medical assistance is needed)

The telephone number of the phone being used

A description of what happened

The number of injured or ill people

What, if any, help has been given so far and by whom


“What should you do if you think that a person is unresponsive?”

Shout to get the person’s attention, using the person’s name if it is known.

If there is no response, tap the person’s shoulder (if the person is an adult or
child) or the bottom of the person’s foot (if the person is an infant) and shout
again, while checking for normal breathing.

Check for responsiveness and breathing for no more than 5 to 10 seconds.

(Gasping is not normal breathing.)

If the person responds (e.g., by moving, moaning or opening the eyes) but is not fully conscious, can’t answer you when you talk to them:

Call or send someone to call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number and obtain an AED and first aid kit.

Proceed with gathering information from bystanders using SAMPLE.

Conduct a head-to-toe check.

Roll the person onto his or her side into a recovery position if the person does not appear to have any injuries.


These are optional for you to read, frequently asked questions:

“If I am checking the scene for safety, what dangerous situations may prevent me
from reaching the person?”

A: Some scenes may be unsafe for obvious reasons such as downed powerlines, fire, smoke-filled spaces or traffic.
You should also avoid going into areas that require special training or equipment (e.g.,
respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus). This includes a poisonous gas environment,
possible explosive environment (e.g., natural gas or propane, fuel leaks), collapsed or partially collapsed
structures and confined areas with no ventilation or fresh air.

Electricity: you might need to turn off power / a circuit breaker.

Hostile situations, including animals and people, (civil disturbances/riots, violent behavior and unruly fans at concerts or sporting events, crime)

Consider these situations that are
and are not dangerous

Bears usually stay away from people, but sometimes like to use trails. But if you see a juvenile bear on a trail like this, mom is likely very nearby (and very protective). Stay away!

 juvenile bear in middle of triall

A bear a distance away from you who stands up is not necessarily dangerous.

NPS standing grizzly:

Bears are often seen in movies and television standing on their two hind legs, growling and looking quite ferocious. In real life however, black bears stand bipedal when they are
trying to get a better look at or smell of something that has peaked their curiosity,
and growling is rarely a sound that you will hear from a black bear.

Denali Park explains why a bear would stand up:

“If a bear stands up and looks at me, is it acting aggressively?

No. Bears stand on their hind legs in order to get a better look or a better whiff of something they are not sure of. If this happens, make it obvious that you are human by waving your arms and speaking loudly. Try to position yourself so that you are upwind and the bear can smell you. Signs that a bear is disturbed by your presence include: woofing, jaw chomping, swaying, laying ears back, and yawning.”

You can read more at: Bears and your safety in grizzly bear country

Lowering the Risk for Infection

“Do I have to worry about all body fluids, even saliva?”

Yes. Precautions should be taken whenever there is the potential for contact with a person’s
body fluids.
“Can the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), be spread by touching a person?”

No. HIV cannot be spread by touching a person’s unbroken skin. HIV is known to be transmitted
only through exposure to infected blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk.
“What is considered to be contaminated by blood?”

Materials contaminated by blood include:

Items that when compressed, release blood in a liquid or semi-liquid state.

Items caked with blood that will, or may release the blood when handled.