First Aid chapter 2 / 3 questions

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As a check to see if you understood the chapter two and part of chapter 3 material

and as a review for possible questions on the final,

AFTER you read the chapter, try to see if you can answer these questions:


“What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?”

“What are some reasons people might delay seeking medical attention when they are experiencing signs and symptoms of a heart attack?”


“What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?”


Although a heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest, the two conditions are different. “In addition
to cardiovascular disease, what are some other causes of cardiac arrest?”

“What are the five links in the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival?”

Give yourself a moment to think about each question, then scroll down past these photos to find the correct answers.

seal in kelp


sea otter floating on back


mom otter and baby

Here are the questions with the answers:


“What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?”

Chest pain, discomfort, pressure or squeezing that lasts longer than 3 to 5 minutes and is not relieved by resting, changing position or taking medication, or that goes away and then comes back

Discomfort or pain that spreads to one or both arms, the back, the shoulder, the neck, the jaw or the upper part of the stomach

Dizziness or light-headedness

Trouble breathing, including noisy breathing, shortness of breath and breathing that is faster than normal

Nausea or vomiting

Pale or ashen (gray) skin


A feeling of anxiety or impending doom

Extreme fatigue


“What are some reasons people might delay seeking medical attention when they are experiencing signs and symptoms of a heart attack?”

Lack of knowledge about, or failure to recognize, the signs and symptoms of a heart attack

Denial or fear related to potentially having a life-threatening condition

Concerns about feeling foolish or embarrassed for seeking advanced medical care for a “false alarm”

Inadequate access to healthcare or a lack of healthcare insurance

“What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?”

“What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?”

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked,
causing permanent damage to the heart muscle.

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively
to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.

Although a heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest, the two conditions are different. “In addition
to cardiovascular disease, what are some other causes of cardiac arrest?”

Breathing emergencies


Electric shock

Drug overdose


“What are the five links in the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival?”

Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the EMS system

Early CPR

Early defibrillation

Early advanced life support

Integrated post-cardiac arrest care


And remember, for this first aid class, we do not cover how to perform CPR. The kind of CPR shown in your text is not for Professional Rescuers / Health Care Providers, which most of the De Anza students are on their way to becoming, and you should not read that section of the text (pages 43- 60) as it could be confusing when you take your CPR class.