Near the end of De Anza College HLTH57A class,
students need to sign a card fee agreement if they have earned the Red Cross First Aid certification
and decided they want the Red Cross certification,
or to say they do not want it.
This webpage is for all students to read in advance of the last class to save class time.
The agreement you will be signing for Fall quarter 2024 will say (unless there are last minute changes!):
“HLTH57A card fee agreement Fall 2024
By printing my name (as it is on De Anza College records) below and signing next to it I am saying that in the fall, 2024 De Anza College HLTH 57A class I want to get a Red Cross certification card and I will owe $30.
(If I do not want the cert I will write “I don’t want the certification” next to my name, and not owe anything.)
I acknowledge that I won’t be able to change my mind after the class is over that I wanted the cert.
I know that the payment must be made online by clicking on the Bill Payment icon in the Apps section of MyPortal. I know that the payment must be made with a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover card.
My name on the course record, and therefore on the digital cert, will be the one on the class roster and the email address used will be the email address I am using at the college. I can expect the digital cert to be sent to that email address.
I know I am responsible for paying the fee within three working days of today, Friday, October 18, the last day of class, (deadline Wednesday, Oct. 23, midnight).
If I say I want the certification, and I am willing to pay the fee, but I do not pay the fee by the deadline, it will be interpreted to mean that I changed my mind and do not want the certification. My name will not be entered on the course record sent to the Red Cross.
I acknowledge there will be no extensions of the deadline.”