Seizures, causes of and basic care for


At the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) we find:

About 1 out of 10 people may have a seizure during his or her lifetime


causes of seizures

most common is epilepsy, especially if medicine is not taken in proper dosage and on time

lack of oxygen


brain tumor / concussion / increasing intracranial pressure from swelling or internal bleeding in the brain


diabetic emergency / low blood sugar

heat stroke

failure to use prescribed anti-seizure medications (often the biggest cause of seizures)


drug or alcohol use or withdrawl

measles, mumps and other childhood diseases

eclampsia (pregnancy complication)

child with a high fever

child with aspirin poisoning


hit by lightning

high altitude can cause brain swelling

continuing stress from bereavement, divorce, abuse, money/family worries, critical incident stress


From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Do I call 911? Seizures do not usually require emergency medical attention. Only call 911 if one or more of these are true: The person has never had a seizure before. The person has difficulty breathing or waking after the seizure. The seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. The person has another seizure soon after the first one. The person is hurt during the seizure. The seizure happens in water. The person has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or is pregnant.


From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

First aid for generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures When most people think of a seizure, the think of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, also called a grand mal seizure. In this type of seizure, the person may cry out, fall, shake or jerk, and become unaware of what’s going on around them. Here are things you can do to help someone who is having this type of seizure: Ease the person to the floor. Turn the person gently onto one side. This will help the person breathe. Clear the area around the person of anything hard or sharp. This can prevent injury. Put something soft and flat, like a folded jacket, under his or her head. Remove eyeglasses. Loosen ties or anything around the neck that may make it hard to breathe. Time the seizure. Call 911 if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes.


From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Stop! Do NOT Knowing what NOT to do is important for keeping a person safe during or after a seizure. Never do any of the following things: Do not hold the person down or try to stop hir or her movements. Do not put anything in the person’s mouth. This can injure teeth or the jaw. A person having a seizure cannot swallow his or her tongue. Do not try to give mouth-to-mouth breaths (like CPR). People usually start breathing again on their own after a seizure. Do not off the person water or food until he or she is fully alert.

3 million adults have active epilepsy. 56% of adults with epilepsy have seizures


From EMS World
“Sentinel seizures occur when an individual experiences a fatal arrhythmia, the brain loses oxygen supply, and thus seizure activity occurs.
The true problem is Sudden Cardiac Arrest, but the seizure is often seen as the first symptom.
Assume the possibility of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
when an otherwise-healthy young athlete collapses and exhibits seizure activity.”


From a professional tour group in Yellowstone National Park:

“If you have a seizure condition that is well managed, your participation in (name of tour group) activities should not be affected. Nonetheless, you should be aware of these potential triggers, which you could experience in Yellowstone, and take precautions:

Low levels of oxygen in the blood
Excessive stress (emotional or physical)
Lack of sleep; fatigue
Hyperventilation and associated blood pH changes
Hypoglycemia, especially in a diabetic
Use of alcohol
Flashing or strobe lights (known as photosensitive epilepsy. If a patient is photosensitive, a seizure also can be induced by sunlight reflecting off wet surfaces, such as moving water or moving rapidly past flickering sunlight.)
Missing a dose of anti-seizure medication (typically the most common trigger)”

and see: How To Call 911.

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(Note to on-line users not in my classes: this is a study sheet. It is not complete instruction in first aid or the topic named in the webpage title.)

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