Health 57A is the class webpage with homework assignments.
This page might be rewritten a little for spring quarter 2025.
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Biological and Health Sciences Division
Spring quarter 2025
Health 57A 1 UNIT
First Aid for the Community, Home, Wilderness and Disasters
HLTH 57A, (49201) meets on campus ONLY FOUR Friday afternoons
April 11th, April 18th, April 25th and May 2nd, 1:30 – 4:20 p.m.
We finish before finals week and do not meet during finals week.
Prerequisites: none
Goal: Successful completion of this class can mean (optional) certification in American Red Cross First Aid.
The Student Learning Outcome for HLTH57A is
“• Student Learning Outcome: Demonstrate life saving skills in care of injuries and sudden illness as specified by the American Red Cross.”
This class can be considered a class to prepare for future EMT training or lifeguard training, since much of the material stressed in this class is also required for EMTs and lifeguards. Taking this class before you take a CPR class will make the CPR class easier.
Instructor: Mary Donahue
I’m a Red Cross certified lifeguard, swim teacher, lifeguard instructor, lifeguard instructor trainer, CPR, First Aid and Automated External Defibrillation instructor (and other Red Cross instructor certifications). I have taught at De Anza, first in Physical Education and then in Biological and Health Sciences as well, since April, 1988.
I first became a volunteer in Yosemite National Park in 2006 and have been a volunteer on and off for 15+ years, including five years with Preventative Search and Rescue when it was was fully funded in the park.
I have been a lifeguard, lifeguard captain, or in charge of the swim at 54 triathlons or open water swims.
I’m also senior faculty advisor to the De Anza Outdoor Club. There is info at Outdoor Club Coming Attractions.
E-mail I don’t return e-mails that should be answered in class for everyone to get an answer, but you can give me notice that you need an answer by e-mailing before you ask in class.
Office Hours, some of which are fifteen minutes or a half hour at a time, some one full hour, are right after the HLTH 57A class and are (if they can be booked) many Saturdays noon at the pool deck.
Final: exam when we complete the lectures, at the fourth class meeting.
Most questions on the final will be given to students before the final.
No finals week ‘final,’ since our class is finished before finals week.
The Red Cross does not require a textbook. Reading assignments, including carefully reading this ‘greensheet’ (course syllabus)
are detailed at the class webpage Health 57A.
Required supplies: Notebook and pen or pencil
Scrubs / nursing attire is required for some students in their other classes, but since this class is for the entire De Anza community, they are not required in this class. You might be kneeling or even lying on the floor on some days, so dress appropriately. Wear comfortable clothes, pants or shorts preferred over skirts. Note that low-waisted pants can pull down to an extent that many people would consider inappropriate in public and would be considered disruptive to the class, interfering with academic activity. You might also check a member of the class for consciousness and breathing, and roll them over and from their side to their back. Bring something to kneel on and something (big bath towel, blanket) to lie on if you want them. When Covid masks are not required in classrooms, you might want to wear one when you are close to another class member for skills work.
For Red Cross certification
100% attendance is required by the Red Cross for certification.
100% attention to learning is a requirement of attendance.
Simply being present does not constitute attendance.
You are subject to being dropped from the class if you do not complete all of the homework on time, are absent, late to class, leave early, do not pay full attention or otherwise show that you are not seriously enrolled in the class. This can include sleeping (or appearing to sleep, as in eyes closed).
If you do not get a partner when asked to do so, and it is noticed that you are not participating in skills work, you will not certify.
(A certification you might already have does not prove you know any of the material taught in this class, and it does not allow you to not participate in any part of this class. This includes doctors, nurses, lifeguards and EMTs/Paramedics.)
This class meets OSHA standards. Upon successful completion of the course, you can receive an American Red Cross First Aid certification, which is valid for two years. The two years begin the last day of class.
A $32 fee is required for the Red Cross to process your paperwork if you choose to get a certificate.
The deadline to decide you want the cert will be the last day of class, after we have finished all the work required to be certified.
(You won’t be able to decide after the class is over that you wanted the cert.)
If you decide you want the cert and do not pay for it by the deadline, it will be interpreted to mean that you changed your mind and do not want the certification and your name will not be entered on the course record sent to the Red Cross.
Your name on the course record, and therefor on the digital cert, will be the one on the class roster
and the email address used will be the email address you are using at the college. You can expect the digital cert to be sent to that email address.
Every student who earns the Red Cross certification must sign the Card Fee Agreement and you will be held to all rules about paying for the certification that are in the agreement. It includes how (at the Portal) and when to pay, (there is a deadline that will not be extended), as well as other crucial details that everyone who earns the Red Cross certification must read, whether or not you want the certificate.
For your De Anza Grade
Health 57A is the class webpage with the links to homework assignments.
Homework projects will all be listed at the class webpage, and be available for your review after the class is over.
Homework projects will be turned in on Canvas, not by printing pieces of paper and bringing them to class.
A modern computer with updated Web browsers (Firefox, Safari, or Chrome) and an Internet connection is all you need. The newest reference for students using Canvas is at the Canvas Resource Library for Students, which the college says is “a valuable source of information for students who are new to Canvas. This is a public Canvas course, and you can share the link with students in your course”
The actual Canvas pages to do work from will be sent to people as they enroll in the class.
All homework must be completed at Canvas, by each deadline (date/time) at Canvas, not after the quarter is over. I do not accept emailed homework or homework printed on paper and turned in during class or left at any faculty mailbox.
We will go over the answers to some of the homework questions during class so having an additional copy with you besides the one you turned in on Canvas could help you.
If you choose to ask for a pass/no pass instead of a letter grade, please note: No more than 30 units of credit with a “P” grade can be applied toward an Associate of Arts degree. And ordinarily, no “P” grade may be applied toward a student’s major requirements unless the major lists a pass/no pass course on their curriculum sheet. Do not give the P/NP paperwork to your instructor, do it at the Portal. To earn a ‘pass’ you must do at least the work required for a ‘C.’ Go to: for more info.
The class has a total of 100 points. A+ = 97 points, A = 90, A- = 87, B+ = 84, B= 80, B- = 77, C+ = 74, C= 70, (no C- grades are given at De Anza), D+ = 64, D = 60, D- = 57, (no F+ grades are given at De Anza), F = less than 57 points.
35 points of class grading is active participation and steady improvement in skills and knowledge during class. 100% participation in class each session, including completing each lab session (for example, checking capillary refill, removing potentially contaminated gloves, controlling external bleeding, completing a secondary survey, checking a responsive person, completing the F.A.S.T. skills for a potential stroke victim, the choking and stroke scenarios, and more) will earn you 10 points per class session for the first three sessions, and 5 points for the fourth session.
65 points is written: homework assignments (30) and the final exam (35)
The write-ups of the Secondary Assessment five most important things, First Aid Facts and Fallacies, Drowning Rescue, times to suspect a spinal injury, signs and symptoms of a concussion, the project on Fire Safety, Cultural Issues in First Aid, Disaster Planning, Earthquake Home Hazards Survey, and Wilderness First Aid assignments are each 3 points. (10 homework projects times 3 points each is 30 points.)
I do not give partial credit for partially completed projects, for example, if you only write up one or two or three most important things, instead of five.
A common mistake happens when, as a student described it, you have “multiple assignment windows open at the same time” and post the wrong homework into the wrong tab. (Or even homework from a different class you are taking).
I will not be notifying students if they make this mistake or if they only submit one, two, three or four examples of something new they learned from a reading instead of the five new or most important things learned.
Note that your answers need to be complete thoughts.
For example, the First Aid Facts and Fallacies homework asks you to read the page and write up five things, that you learned from the reading, either those you did not know, or that you think some or many people do not know, or some combination.
A short, two word answer of “crazy glue” would not be a complete thought, but
“ Crazy glue should not be used to seal up wounds, because the glue can migrate into the wound, which can result in inflammation and infection and may require surgical treatment.”
Is a complete thought.
“If you use Krazy Glue on a wound, you often seal in germs
and serious, even life threatening infections can occur.”
Is a complete thought.
To submit homework at Canvas,
you should not post a link to a document you stored at another computer
(and you will not get credit for it if you do). You need to enter the full text at the Canvas homework page so there is a permanent copy of it.
Each student is responsible for completing homework as described and on time, according to the deadlines at Canvas. (Students have been successful at this . . . at least 60% and often at least 70 % of each class earns an “A” grade, some quarters as many as 87%, for example Spring 2022 when 18 students earned an “A+” grade, one an “A,” and one an A-).
If you complete all the work due the last class session, you can choose one of the extra credit assignments listed at the class webpage for an additional 3 points.
The final exam is 35 points. There are no makeups for the final exam, it must be taken in class the last day of class.
Homework is to be completed by each individual, not as a group.
Please do not trust Googled sources for the correct answers to homework, use the readings at the class webpages.
If you do not have a computer with online access there are many in the basement of the De Anza Learning Center, and most public libraries have a few. You can usually get a public library card quickly, often the same day you come into the library.
We meet for only four class sessions, and the Red Cross requires your attendance at all of each class session. No absences are excusable, even for jury duty you could have asked to be rescheduled for another time, or appointments you forgot you had when you enrolled. There is no way to ‘makeup’ the material missed. You can not take the final exam late.
You are responsible for dropping classes you do not want to take and deadlines are enforced.
After the deadlines neither you nor your instructor can drop you.
An ‘incomplete’ grade is only appropriate for verifiable “unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the term,” documented in a timely manner and requested in a timely manner. They do not include doctor’s appointments you forgot you had and did not reschedule, jury duty you could have requested to do after the quarter is over, or because you forgot to drop in time.
If you want the certification you will need to repeat the entire class if you miss any of the class, and each quarter the material is not necessarily taught in the same class session as a previous quarter, which is another reason incomplete grades are rarely given in this class.
You must check in with the person at the classroom entrance each class day before you take a seat in the classroom.
You need to pay complete attention to videos. Note taking when videos are running is not allowed. This will be even more important when you take a CPR class since you could miss out on seeing crucial steps in the skills.
Visitors are not allowed in the classroom, according to division policy.
We won’t take long breaks so if you bring snacks you’ll need to eat outside the classroom, at the entrance, while still being in a position to see and hear all the lecture/videos, etc. This can be distracting to others so these snack sessions will be limited.
Video or audio taping of this class is not allowed. (Besides that this is a class rule, California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including conversations in a classroom, without the consent of all parties to the conversation.)
Cell phones can not be out during class. Please turn off ringers on cell phones or pagers during class, unless you are having an emergency at home, in which case let me know at the start of class that your phone might ring. No, I do not subtract points from your grade if your phone rings during class, but some instructors do. See: syllabus examples
The De Anza Health Policy says (in part) “A De Anza student will: Not attend college if he/she has a contagious condition (i.e., T.B., measles, hepatitis, etc.). Not attend college if he/she is under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. Obtain a physician’s note and cooperate openly and honestly with college officials about medical problems that may threaten the health and/or welfare of self and others.
Adhere to safety regulations and use safety equipment and protective devices as required.”
Report any injuries and equipment or facilities problems immediately to your instructor. In case we have an accident in class, we/you can call Campus Security from a classroom phone at 5555 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency).
Cupertino police/sheriff can be direct dialed from a cell phone at: 1 (408) 299-2311.
De Anza emergency can be directly dialed from a cell phone at 1 (408) 924 8000.
Some De Anza instructors do not answer student emails. Most of the emails we get from students are to ask questions that they could have found the answers to in the course syllabus or at a class webpage. (It is easier for a student to email and ask than to take the time to read and understand the syllabus.)
One “simple question” from a student might not seem like too much for a instructor to answer, but multiplied by hundreds of students, and occasionally multiple emails from one student, it can truly be too time consuming.
I ask students to read the course syllabus on or before the first day of class, and I go over it in person during the first class. Reading it is also a “homework” assignment. Any questions people have about the class work / course syllabus are better answered in class. If people email me questions that can be answered by more carefully reading the course syllabus / class webpage, they will be referred to the course syllabus / class webpage.
You will be required to comply with all De Anza rules and regulations, especially the section on academic integrity
as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
All information in the Academic Integrity webpages and other college policies pages applies in every De Anza course and students are held accountable for this information, even if their instructor does not refer them to it in the syllabus, so it is worth reading.
In these webpages (or elsewhere online) you will find descriptions of cheating and plagiarism: “Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means… Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as your own” (and the Academic Integrity webpage gives many detailed examples),
and these statements: “It is the students’ responsibility to know what constitutes academic dishonesty…When students are caught cheating or plagiarizing, a process is begun which may result in severe consequences.” The consequences can include “receiving a failing grade on the test, paper or exam….being placed on disciplinary probation…suspension.”
If disruptive behavior occurs in a class, “the instructor may remove the student from his or her class for that day and the next class meeting if the student interfered with the instructional process,” and the behavior will be reported to the Office of Student Development for possible disciplinary action/reprimand/suspension.
(A previous class put together this world’s-longest-list of disruptive behaviors. All of the disruptive behaviors listed below had been experienced by at least one student, if not multiple students, in another De Anza class.)
It would be impossible to list all the ways a student could be disruptive, but the basic definition is: a disruptive person is one, who through his/her behavior, speech or actions, interferes with academic activity. This can be as obvious as physical or verbal abuse; willful damage to person or college property; disorderly conduct; lewd, indecent or obscene behavior or use of illicit drugs or misuse of prescription drugs & alcohol.
De Anza College Mutual Respect
“De Anza College will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. A student shall not intimidate, harass another student through words or actions. Such behavior includes
• Direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving
• Verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling
• Social isolation or manipulation
• Cyberbullying by any means including email, text and social networks/media”
Disruptive behavior that can cause a student to be immediately removed from class includes: expressions of hatred or contempt based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical or psychological disability.
Disruptive behavior also includes anything that distracts or intimidates students or disrupts teaching, including, but not limited to: using cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices other than those approved by me or allowing them to ring; using a laptop or other electronic device during class to do homework, email friends, etc.; engaging in private conversations; inappropriate language (profanity or vulgarity) or gestures; requesting excessive (in the opinion of the instructor) breaks; taking breaks of your own choosing; inconsiderate personal hygiene habits including, but not limited to: noticeably offensive body odor, cologne or the use of chewing tobacco; packing up early; disruptive noise making, including but not limited to uncontrolled laughter, pen, pencil or foot tapping, loud gum popping, loud or attention distracting drinking and paper/book rustling; inappropriate body language, including, but not limited to propping feet up on a desk, refusing to remain seated, glaring or making faces; inappropriate physical contact; refusal to comply with instructor’s directions; open and persistent defiance of the authority of the instructor or teaching assistants, failing to properly identify yourself when asked to. Day packs and other gear should be left on the floor, not the desk top, so you won’t be tempted to hide your cell phone from view of the instructor while you text message a friend.
Covid masks must be a solid color. A Covid mask with photos, drawings or words that would, in the opinion of your instructor, be distracting to her and other students, are not allowed in the classroom.
If you want to wear clothing (a t-shirt, for example), with photos, drawings or words that would, in the opinion of your instructor, be distracting to her, you may not sit in the front rows of the class.
If you have visible tattoos with photos, drawings or words that would, in the opinion of your instructor, be distracting to her, you can either cover them completely (wear long pants versus shorts, long sleeve shirts versus short sleeve shirts, for example) or you may not sit in the front rows of the class.
If, when you are seated in the back rows of the classroom, you find that you can not hear what the instructor is saying or hear videos well enough, you should drop the class, get a hearing test and come back to take the class when you have the same level of hearing ability as the rest of the class or have received assistance from Disabilities Support Services.
You need to be prepared for photos and video sections that show typical injuries. Some subjects in class could be considered gross, but comments about the grossness, including saying “eeeeew” are also disruptive.
Disruptive behavior also includes inordinate demands for time and attention, including, but not limited to, monopolizing discussions; persistent questioning; wasting class time by repeatedly asking unnecessary questions, such as those that have been answered in class or class materials; giving excuses for not doing homework; attempting to debate with the instructor over teaching style, teaching qualifications, what you think should or should not be taught, the need for required homework, attendance, attention, rules in the syllabus, college policies; interrupting the flow of class with interjections or questions; incoherent comments and off-topic discussions; interrupting the flow of class by not staying organized during drills, especially not following along with simultaneous practices or failing to follow instructions/correct mistakes during drills: using vocabulary not in the textbook that others might not understand (examples: fainting is to be referred to as fainting, not as syncope or syncope vasovagal reaction and a bruise is a bruise, not ecchymosis, loss of appetite is loss of appetite, not anorexia, difficulty walking is difficulty walking, not ataxia).
Trying to teach material or skills that are not in the textbook is not allowed. If, for example, a student tries to talk about an alternative form of first aid, or wants to go on at length about something the instructor says has been covered sufficiently, once the instructor says that is enough or we are not discussing that subject, if a student then continues to talk about the subject, they can be dismissed from class.
One of the most important safety instructions in every first aid/CPR class you will ever take is: “When practicing on a student in class you should only simulate back blows and abdominal thrusts (do not apply pressure) so you do not hurt anyone.”
Disruptive behavior also includes overt inattentiveness and engaging in activities inappropriate to learning, including, but not limited to: sleeping (or appearing to sleep, as in eyes closed); reading non-class related materials (newspapers, magazines, etc.); reading class materials at inappropriate times, such as when attention should be focused on videos, lecture, discussion or skills practice; completing homework during class time; applying makeup; grooming hair; knitting; staring out the window.
Refusing to wear a Covid mask or not wearing one properly (when / where they are required), could get a student removed from class and reported to the college and campus police.
Wearing/using headphone or earbuds-type music/tape playing devices, even if they are not attached to a device, makes it look to everyone as if you are not paying attention in class and they are not allowed. No sunglasses are allowed.
It is self-defeating, and disrupts the class as well, to say out loud (or even to think to yourself) “I can’t do this.” Give yourself the time to try each step repeatedly until you succeed! Keep thinking “I WILL be able to do this” until it happens. Your personal positive attitude really can affect the outcome. Balking or refusing to participate in class practice or skills testing is also disruptive to the class as a whole and can lead to your not certifying and your being removed from class.
Open class discussions are encouraged as long as the discussion is appropriate, done in a respectful, orderly fashion and fits in the time required to cover the class material. Disagreements and differences of opinion in class discussions are not disruptive behavior unless they include personal insults, bullying or physical confrontation, intimidation, excessive aggressiveness or anger, being overly argumentative, interrupting others, obscenities, yelling and the like. In my classes sometimes I will take answers off the cuff, but often the best way to answer is to raise your hand and be recognized. Occasionally I will ask a question and request that no one answer it out loud for a moment until all have had a chance to think about it.
There is essentially no privacy in this class. Examples include, but are not limited to: If your skills are not up to par, we need to correct your mistakes as you make them and anyone in hearing range will know if you fail skills testing. If you have questions during an exam, people may overhear what we talk about. Missing/incorrect homework may be discussed in front of other students. If you do not follow Covid protocols and De Anza Health Office requirements, for example if you test positive for Covid, anyone in hearing range may hear what we talk about.
Laptops, iPods, or other similar devices are not to be used during class for any purpose except when the instructor says they can be out (never during quizzes/exams). A teaching assistant or the instructor might actually see inappropriate work/webpages on a laptop/iPod screen. Or, if it looks like a student is texting friends, etc. (they seem to be taking more notes than needed, for example) they will be asked to show what notes they were just writing. If they can’t produce any it will be assumed that they were not taking class notes, but were instead texting friends, working on their Facebook page, working on homework or otherwise not paying attention to the work at hand in our class. The first instance of such misuse of a laptop/cell phone/iPod can cause a student to be dropped from the class. If the student is not dropped, it can also cause the student to lose the privilege of having a laptop or other electronic device open in class. They will then need to hand write notes. If the student was not paying attention during an official Red Cross portion of the class, they will not be allowed to certify since the Red Cross requires 100% attendance and attention to all the material.
Use the restroom before class begins as we will only take one mid-class break of maximum ten minutes. When someone says they need a bathroom break, we will stop class and everyone will take a break. Or I will notice we are about halfway or 3/4 of the way through the class time and announce a break. People should not leave anytime they want to, as they will miss Red Cross material required for certification. Requesting excessive (in the opinion of the instructor) breaks is also disruptive. If you have a physical issue that requires multiple bathroom breaks you should drop the class and take it during a quarter this issue has been resolved.
Use the restroom before an exam begins. Once you have begun a quiz/exam you will not be allowed to leave the classroom, for example to go to the restroom and return to finish the test. During the final exam, only a pen/pencil/eraser can be on your desk. No books, notes, phones/computers, dictionaries, translation devices or other aids are allowed during exams. Do not wear ear buds. Do not talk to anyone, except an instructor or teaching assistant, during an exam. Anyone who talks to anyone else except an instructor/teaching assistant or uses a phone, laptop or other aid during a quiz/exam will not get any points for that quiz/exam (they will fail the exam) and they will probably be reported to a college administrator.
You should not only put your cell phones away during an exam, you should also be sure to turn off ringers on them, because if it rings and you forget and accidentally answer it, you have failed the exam.
This syllabus is subject to change as needed, even after the quarter has started.
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This message is from De Anza College Disability Support Services:
“Students who have been found to be eligible for accommodations by Disability Support Services (DSS), please follow up to ensure that your accommodations have been authorized for the current quarter. If you are not registered with DSS and need accommodations, please go to the DSS office in the Registration & Student Services Building (RSS) – Room 141 for information on eligibility and how to receive support services. You can also go online to for additional information.”
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If the class and the reading get you excited about learning more, I recommend the ARC Emergency Medical Response first aid class, offered at Foothill. (Foothill also has EMT training; E.M.R. is a prerequisite.)
For the Wilderness First Aid portion:
The following is where the Wilderness First Aid material for this class comes from. Many of these books are available at public libraries. I’d recommend reading the one in bold below, but you do not have to read any of them.
American Alpine Club, Accidents in North American Mountaineering
American National Red Cross, Emergency Medical Response Instructor’s Manual. Stay Well Health and Safety Solutions
American National Red Cross, The. First Aid – When Help is Delayed Instructor’s Guide. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Lifeline,
Auerbach, Paul S. Medicine for the Outdoors. New York, NY: Lyons Press
Berry, Jenna, managing editor and the Wilderness Medical Society, Wilderness medicine (newsletter) Colorado Springs, Co.
Forgey, William, The Basic Essentials of Hypothermia. Merrillville, IN: ICS Books, Inc.
Forgey, William, Editor and the Wilderness Medical Society. Practice Guidelines for Wilderness Emergency Care. Merrillville, IN: ICS Books, Inc.
Forgey, William. Wilderness Medicine, Beyond First Aid. Wilford, CT: The Globe Pequot Press
Girl Scouts of the United States Of America. Safety-Wise. New York, New York,
Graydon, Don and Hanson, Kurt, Editors. Mountaineering, The Freedom of The Hills. Seattle, WA: The Mountaineers. I recommend reading the Leadership chapter.
Isaac, Jeffrey. The Outward Bound Wilderness First Aid Handbook. New York, NY: Lyons Press,
Merry, Wayne. St John Ambulance Official Wilderness First Aid Guide. Toronto, Ontario: McClelland & Stewart, Inc.
National Park Service morning report (online)
Schimelpfenig, Tom and Lindsey, Linda. NOLS Wilderness First Aid. Lander, WY: National Outdoor Leadership School
Sole, Clyde and Powers, Phil. Climbing: Expedition Planning, Seattle, WA: The Mountaineers
Steinstra, Tom. California Wildlife. Avalon Publishing, has a section, bear attacks in California.
Wilderness Medical Society, Wilderness Medicine Newsletter, Colorado Springs, Colo: published quarterly
Wilkerson, James A. Medicine for Mountaineering and Other Wilderness Activities. Seattle, WA: The Mountaineers
Yellowstone National Park – Bears and Menstruating women. (Online)
Van Tilburg, Christopher (M.D.), Watersports Safety and Emergency First Aid, Guilford, Con: Globe Pequot Press
Videos (if we have time for them): Denali Bear Quiz. National Park Service, Hiking the Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon Association, (You can buy your own copy of the Grand Canyon video), Bear Careless. Yosemite Concession Services, Leave No Trace, NPS.
And also see if you want to, (but you do not have to read), here are free downloads
Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Emergency Reference Guide
Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Pocket Guide