clipart borders

thin line of various colors of rocks

thin line of gray colors made from a clouds photo

a narrow band of sunset reflected on the water

a narrow band of sunset clouds

one edge of an ocean swell as a narrow bar

a strip of Yosemite granite

fog over colors blue and green in a narrow photo strip

painted design

painted design

row of rocks carved into brick shapes


This webpage has morphed into a collection of aquatic clipart, especially rescue tubes,

mostly my photographs.

Of course you can use these, if you put a link to where you got them.

guard tube section:

diagonal rescue tube: diagonalrescuetube radial blur:

blue guard tube plus watercolor effect.: blue lifeguard rescue tube using photoshop watercolor effect

The original photo from which the rescue tubes below were made:

gray rescue tube diagonal on pool surface: gray rescue tube diagonal on pool surface

rescue tube black white gray: rescue tube photoshopped into black white grayrescue tube brush strokes splatter: rescue tube photoshopped with brush strokes splatterrescue tube neon glow: rescue tube photoshopped with neon glow

rescue tube sharpen edges color saturation: rescue tube photoshopped with sharpen edges color saturationrescue tube stylize find edges: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize find edgesrescue tube stylize glowing edges: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize glowing edges

rescue tube stylize solarize: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize solarizerescue tube stylize trace contour: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize trace contourrescue tube stylize emboss color saturation: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize emboss color saturation

rescue tube distort: rescue tube photoshopped with distortrescue tube neon glow reverse color: rescue tube photoshopped with neon glow reverse colorrescue tube red with pink water: rescue tube photoshopped with red with pink water

rescue tube texture grain color saturation: rescue tube photoshopped with texture grain color saturationrescue tube stylize red with aqua: rescue tube photoshopped with stylize red with aqua

see also Photoshop Elements filters

400 pixel reach assist with yellow tube:

400 pixel lane line:

racing dive border:

pool flags:

210 pixel lane line with wpball:

Ahwahnee lane line:

Mallards in pool by George Cullison:

high elbow freestyle border:

swimmers front view freestyle 3 lanes:

black lane line fresco 60 pixels:

black lane line poster edges 60 pixels:

black lane lines on bottom 500 pixels:


I thought I might make custom bullets if I reduced photos using Photoshop Elements.
I resized a football to 30 x 18 pixels
and got this: football bullet: which doesn’t quite work.

glimmering water:

see also signs sign please do not put trash in toilets: bent sign keep right:

Photoshop Elements filters
One photograph of wildflowers growing from a crack in rock using different Adobe Photoshop Elements filters.

Penstemon in crack brush strokes accented edges: Penstemon in crack stylize find edges:

See also: Tips for faculty webpages