The most up-to-date info about the De Anza College Wellness Center, please see:
I wrote the webpage below when the center was open for memberships, and am leaving it here for now while it is only being used for De Anza classes, but not keeping it fully updated.
The De Anza College Wellness Center is one of the best kept secrets in Silicon Valley. It is staffed by college educators, not salespeople. You won’t be offered 90 days for only $199.99, a long term contract or minimum year long membership. The Dean of Physical Education reminds us: “Every one of our instructors is constantly updating skills by attending workshops and certification courses and writing new curriculum as the fitness industry changes.”
below, parts of the interior and a photo of the entrance with the pool complex reflected in the windows
Some people enroll at De Anza just to be able to use this state-of-the art center, others add the class along with those they are taking towards a degree or certification.
The Fitness Center has Cybex strength equipment, Life Fitness treadmills and bikes in which you can plug in your ipod and control your music from the screen. The center has Precor ellipticals with visual displays where you can watch the video on your ipod. There are also rowing machines, a versaclimber and an upper body ergometer (upper body bike). You can cross train and work around injuries and still stay fit!
De Anza College Physical Education faculty demonstrate and teach proper use of cardio and strength equipment; exercise modification to avoid injury or discomfort; modifications based on client needs; help students post-rehab return to regular or normal ability and strength; assist students with goal setting and improving fitness levels; help De Anza athletes reach fitness goals or train for specific sports and assist students with college registration as needed. This is not an ordinary health club/gym.
For the most current info, go to:
Can anyone work out in the De Anza College Wellness Center?
Anyone who can enroll at De Anza can, all ages of adults of all fitness levels.
To start out, enroll at De Anza in
KNES 50A – Orientation to the Lifetime Fitness Center (one unit)
and KNES 50L – the lab (one unit).
(KNES 50A) (The mostly lecture portion that you need only take once. After that you can just take one lab class and use the Wellness Center.)
Introduction to fitness, wellness and lifestyle management.
Students will be exposed to past and current theories of health and fitness with emphasis on how lifestyle, wellness, and personal fitness are affected by genetics, gender, and age. Each student will perform a pre- and post- assessment of their own cardiovascular capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition during the class and receive instruction on the proper use of the Lifetime Fitness Center.
Here is an outline of what you will learn in the KNES 50A class:
The textbook and classroom lectures emphasize personal responsibility and behavior change by encouraging students to examine their wellness-related behaviors, take responsibility for them, and develop individualized behavior change programs for lifetime fitness and wellness. The Behavior Change Workbook, included in the text and online, guides students through the step-by-step process of behavior change.
The text covers many consumer issues, including guidelines for evaluating dietary supplements, fitness centers, home exercise equipment, sunscreens, exercise footwear, dietary supplements, food labels, fluids, performance aids marketed to weight trainers, and other wellness-related products and services.
Chapters in the textbook:
Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management
Basic Principles of Physical Fitness (Is exercise safe and effective for everyone?)
Cardiorespiratory Endurance ( how type, frequency and duration effect the development of your endurance)
Muscular Strength and Endurance (safely performing exercises)
Flexibility and Low-Back Health (including stretches to avoid)
Body Composition (answers the question: can you be fit and fat?)
Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program (set goals, select activities, getting back on track when needed)
Nutrition (including: What are whole grains? vitamin deficiencies and excesses)
Weight Management (for the long term)
Stress (incorporating effective ways to manage and reduce stress into your daily life)
Cardiovascular Health
Cancer (Can exercise lower the risk?)
Substance Use and Abuse
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Wellness for Life
For the most current info, go to:
This is not a big, impersonal, health club/gym.
At many other gyms and health clubs a large percentage of the members pay for a membership, come a few times to work out and then disappear. At the De Anza Wellness Center you will regularly see people from the lecture class you are enrolled in and others who choose the workout times you do. If being motivated to work out has been a problem for you, you will find that being enrolled in a college class, having a regular schedule for the lecture portion of the class and regular feedback from the instructor(s) should help you to start making fitness a habit.
Laboratory (your workout time) designed to improve student’s cardio-respiratory
fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition. Strength and muscular
endurance will be developed using Magnum weight equipment. Cardio-respiratory programs will be run on treadmills, cycles, stair steppers, and elliptical trainers.
You choose one lecture class with a specific day and time to meet, (examples from one quarter: MW, 10:30AM-11:20, MW, 12:30PM- 1:20 MW, 12:30PM- 1:20 TTh, and two online classes!
You will not have any pre-scheduled lab hours and can work out during any of the hours the center is open, except during your lecture time. (Usually the hours are: Mon – Thurs 6am – 3pm & 5pm – 8pm, Fridays 6am – 2pm. Hours are posted at the entrance.
You can call (408) 864-8505 for the regular, holiday and break hours.)
To get a good grade in the lab portion of the Wellness Center class, how many hours do I need to work out?
You get credit for 40-minute hours since they fit in the usual schedule of classes, with time to work out, clean up and make it to another class:
A = 1200 minutes
A- 1160
B+ 1120
B 1080
B- 1040
C+ 1000
C 960
D+ 880
D 840
D- 800
F 799
You should attend a minimum of three hours a week, preferably on three different days. There is no maximum number of hours. If you are not regularly attending three hours a week, you may be dropped from the class.
Is there a dress code for the center?
You must wear proper clothing to use the center. Shirts (modest tank tops), shorts or sweats and closed-toed athletic shoes (no sandals or flip-flops) are required. If you come dressed in street clothes, you will be asked to leave. A towel is required of each student each time you come. Please note that a t-shirt or bandanna is not a towel. With the exception of water bottles with sport tops, food and drink are not allowed in the work area.
You might also want to bring a small head-set FM radio so you can watch your favorite TV show or the news. There are televisions up on the walls around the room, each tuned to a different station, with the sound turned off. Each has a sign that says what FM frequency to tune to on your own radio to be able to listen.
Some people bring homework or borrow a magazine from the center collection.
Answers to questions about lockers, P/NP grades, waitlists are at: P.E. Classes FAQs
The Wellness Center (room PE 610) is located just about in the center of the campus, in Cupertino, just off Highway 85. In this aerial photo, it (and the locker rooms) are in the left hand building.

Look for the pools (blue square and rectangle) at this link to a campus map:
How do I enroll at De Anza?
Registration steps are at:
You previously could have a membership instead of a class commitment but
“The Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Center is no longer available for membership use, as of June 2019. Due to budget constraints, the college made the difficult decision to discontinue operating the center.”
What is the cost?
The college webpage fees (some optional) at a glance is at:
More students qualify for financial aid than use it or even know they qualify. There are enrollment fee waivers you can apply for online which take about a week to get an answer. For all the details go to:
Does the fitness center have a cafe?
Not on the premises, but within a short walking distance, De Anza has a variety of food and beverage services from a cafeteria to a small cafe. At the De Anza website we read: The De Anza “culinary, service and managerial team have over 100 years of hospitality experience and are committed to providing you with high quality and nutritious food in a safe, and friendly dining environment. We offer varied menu options in multiple locations, including Oriental, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Pizza, Panini, Salad Bar, Specialty Coffee and a wide range of grab’n’go foods on campus to meet your needs.”
As you walk into the front entrance of the Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Center the AED is on a wall directly in front of you. AED locations at De Anza College AED Quick Facts
Many people not regularly enrolled at De Anza who hear about this class and enroll in it find themselves taking more physical education classes.
De Anza offers over 70 activity courses, including modern dance, ballet, hiphop, social dance, jazz dance, Tai Chi, Aikido, karate, yoga, stretching and De Anza is one of only a few places with a class for adults who can’t swim or are even afraid of the water, see: Novice swimming.
The aquatics facility consists of a 50-meter Olympic sized competition pool with a 14 to 16 feet deep diving well that is equipped with 1- and 3-meter diving boards. We teach all levels of swimming, as well as deep water running, see: Swim classes FAQs .
De Anza College has a new soccer field, seven lighted tennis courts, softball field, golf area, gymnasiums, locker rooms, ball games facilities and updated classrooms with Internet access.
Get info about De Anza College teams at:
De Anza College home games also has links to student recitals, dance performances and art exhibitions.
You can read the curriculum, (course outline or course content, usually designed by a division then reviewed and approved by the college) for any De Anza class at: