Index to Red Cross classes resources

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Lifeguard Training

cover of a red Cross lifeguard training manual showing a rescue tube floating in a pool

You might still be able to get a free download of the copyrighted 2016, released 2017 American Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual go to:

To make it easier to find the skills sheets pages write in your Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual.

The lifeguarding videos are at:

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Lifeguard Training FAQs

History of lifesaving

write this in your American Red Cross lifeguard manual

write this in your American Red Cross lifeguard instructor’s manual

How to rescue a drowning victim using a reaching assist or a shepherd’s crook

How to rescue a submerged victim

How to remove a victim from the pool

Preventative lifeguarding (which includes pool staff motto selections in latin)


pool safety deficiencies

Emergency Action Plan for a coach or swim instructor

Emergency Action Plan for a juvenile detention facility pool

Neighborhood Watch applied to swim centers

Tips for guarding open water swims from 50 plus triathlons and other open water swims we have volunteered at.

tips for guarding kids’ triathlons

rescue board safety tips

beach drag

Should lifeguards wear cowboy boots? a quiz for lifeguards or lifeguard classes

How to tell if the lifeguards are doing their job properly

deaf lifeguards

lifeguard training: discussing professionalism

Lifeguard training, swimming, CPR and first aid links has links, quotations from articles for teachers or students on lifeguard training, swimming, CPR, first aid and risk management. They are primarily for current lifeguard candidates in my classes or graduates who are now lifeguard instructors.

California Lifeguards and Title 22

CPO What a certified pool operator (CPO) knows that lifeguards and swimmers should know.

pool chemical signs

canoe over canoe rescue can also be used on a kayak

Why you should wear a lifejacket.

Swimming and teaching swimming

The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Manual

might still be downloadable for free.

Go to
scroll down to Participant Materials and click on and open Swimming and Water Safety Manual.

The Cooper 12 minute swim test is on page 195, where it says “The 12-minute swimming test, devised by Kenneth Cooper, M.D., is an easy, inexpensive way for men and women of all ages to test their aerobic capacity (oxygen consumption) and to
chart their fitness program.”

Red Cross swimming and water safety text cover: Red Cross swimming and water safety text coverdigital water safe manual: photo of a computer screen showing part of a digital text

(The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Manual had no index, so I wrote one: Swimming and Water Safety 2009 index).

swimming vocabulary

Swim workout vocabulary

History of swimming section

How can I tell if I’m a good swimmer? has stats to compare yourself to, including some lifeguard tests and the United States Navy Physical Readiness Test swim portion.

pool toys

Basic Water Rescue

The aim of How to tell if the lifeguards are doing their job properly is to provide swimmers, parents, child care providers and other swimming pool patrons with a few guidelines to help them determine if the lifeguards at the pool they go to are doing their jobs properly.

Fifty ways to praise your swim students

rogue or sneaker waves

First aid and CPR/AED

You might still be able to download a free copy of this Red Cross first aid textbook
first aid text cover Red Cross 2016

try this link:’s-Manual.pdf

The Red Cross had a note: “The 2016 Manuals are best viewed in Firefox or Chrome browsers.”

and perhaps also download the Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Emergency Reference Guide

Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Pocket Guide

Hands only CPR

CPR manikin use

wilderness first aid outline

Cultural issues in first aid


Simple secondary survey study sheet

fast, basic neurological exam

Do AEDs work?

What the AED says as you use it

How to pass a Red Cross written test

Why did they change CPR?

CPR Pro skills review questions

First Aid for Public Safety Personnel study guide

Bloodborne Pathogens quick facts

injuries quick facts

fast, basic neurological exam

Oxygen administration quick facts

CPR quick facts

AED quick facts

Can a person who is prescribed an epi-pen risk going into the wilderness? (and some sting prevention notes) are at: Anaphylaxis quick facts

advance care directives has links to where to find one you can use

Simple secondary survey study sheet


more details of the SAMPLE questions

Times to suspect a spinal injury: (and use a jaw thrust instead of a head tilt, chin lift).

Reasons why a person might become unconscious or semi-conscious (AEIOU TIPS)

causes of altered mental status, fainting, seizures,

Signs and symptoms of a concussion

care for a stroke

normal respiration, pulse, temperature

and a detailed simple secondary survey (SAMPLE, opqrst)

Airway Adjuncts, Oropharyngeal (oral) airways (OPAs) and nasopharyngeal (nasal) airways (NPAs)


Emergency Oxygen Delivery Systems