Below: an aerial photo with Colter Bay environs in the foreground and part of Jackson Lake. The cabins are towards the left of the visible buildings, the long stripe of buildings from the bay is the stores, laundromat/shower house and restaurants, and the campground area is towards the right. All are in walking distance of each other. There are short and long hiking trails.
There is a black and white aerial photo/map to go with the picture above, with details of where to find the museum, picnic area, showers, grocery/gift stores, laundromat, hiking trails, marina, Ranger talk/campfire amphitheater, etc. at Colter Bay, Grand Teton National Park.
Colter Bay cabins have no lakeshore or lake/mountain view units.
All the cabins are non-smoking.
At the cabins we have seen bunnies, bears, deer, Chipmunks, tree squirrels, Cranes, Gray Jays, Chickarees, and other birds . . . and once, a moose wandering through the back of the cabins area that we did not get a picture of.
Colter Bay cabins all have a private bath with a “walk-in shower, toilet, and sink. The cabin has electricity, heat, linens, and towels. There are no TVs, radios, telephones, microwaves, cooking facilities, or air conditioning.”
One room cabins offer one double bed and one twin bed
or two double beds and one twin bed.
Two room cabins offer one double bed in the first bedroom, and two twin beds in the second bedroom
or two double beds in each bedroom.
None of the Colter Bay Cabins have queen or king beds or bath tubs.
Some of the two bedroom, one bath cabins:
Some of the one bedroom, one bath cabins:
In the photo below, Colter Bay cabins #16 on the left and #14 on the right, each with one double bed, have a shared wall and front doors right next to each other and would be appropriate for two couples that each want their own bathroom instead of sharing a 2 bedroom, one bath cabin.
Below, the typical view out a window, usually of parking spaces in front of cabins and/or of other cabins,
and photos of a few of the interiors:
And a cabin exterior, being used to dry fishing waders instead of trying to bring them inside:
If you hang a hammock from a tree without putting padding under the rope where it goes around the tree trunk, you risk stripping bark off the tree and allowing insects in to do damage:
Colter Bay grocery (General Store) has grab and go meals, salads, sandwiches (summer hours usually 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM daily. Hours often shorter May-early June and after Labor Day.)
A 360 degree tour of the Colter grocery can give you an idea of the food usually available.
And sometimes there are unusual pedestrians in the store/laundromat area, like this mama bear and her two cubs in August 2023:
The large brown box at the upper left hand corner of the map below is the grocery,
to the left of it is the shower house / laundromat. The large brown not-quite-a-box farther down on the left hand side is the restaurants.
Below is a map of the cabins in relation to the tent cabins.
The red X is the cabin rental office where you check in for your cabin reservation, and the yellow section at the lower right hand corner is the edge of the stables.
There is no WiFi in the cabins, but bring your laptop/mobile device, there is free WiFi available at the
Colter Bay laundromat,
the main Colter Bay restaurant,
the Moose Visitor Center
and in the Jackson Lake Lodge parlor
that anyone can use without a secret code, no matter if visiting for the day, camping or registered in a hotel,
And for Colter Bay cabin guests, there is WiFi in the Colter Bay cabin rental office,
WiFi at the cabin rental office can be sometimes strong and there is often a picnic table outside the office to work at.
There are no TVs in the cabins but bring your laptop, as there are some DVD rentals in the nearest large town, Jackson, Wyoming .
We had better radio reception while driving, but in the cabins (bring your own radio) we were able to get Wyoming public radio with the usual BBC World Service / World Today (news), Morning Edition, Here and Now, Fresh Air, All Things Considered, and late evening classical music or jazz at 90.3 (Jackson) and 91.3 (Dubois).
(Dubois is pronounced DUE-boyss.)
Grand Teton National park has an announcement that some park visitors seem to not have learned about:
“Be thoughtful of how music may affect others. Operating an audio device, such as a stereo, Bluetooth speaker, radio, or musical instrument in a manner which is unreasonable and impacts park users is prohibited by law.”
There is a medical clinic on the grounds of Jackson Lake Lodge, ten miles from Colter Bay, near the gas station, open 7 days a week in the summer, usually 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (307-543-2514, 307-733-8002 after hours). No appointment needed. See the map at: Jackson Lake Lodge vicinity
St John’s Medical Center hospital (24 hour emergency room) is at 625 E. Broadway at Redmond, in Jackson
Fire extinguishers can be found on utility poles among the Cabins:
Ice machines are scattered around the property, including these two just outside the cabin office:
Most years there is a fee or free (for guests at Colter Bay cabins) shuttle bus back and forth a few times a day from Colter Bay to Jackson Lake Lodge, Jenny Lake Visitor Center, Moose Visitor Center and into town. Please note that if you go all the way into town on this shuttle you must come back through a ranger staffed entrance station, and most years you will need to either have a park pass in your name or pay the daily rate to get into the park. Check with the shuttle driver before you use the shuttle.
In the town of Jackson most years there is FREE for anyone shuttle, (along with routes you pay for) usually 6 ish a.m. to 10 ish p.m. The route maps are worth printing just for the list of things that are at various stops:
In late summer 2021, three 80 foot cell phone towers were put in the Colter Bay campground and you can expect to be able to use your cell phone as a hotspot to get wi-fi on your laptop. (At Colter Bay we got 3-4 bars on Verizon and AT&T. Elsewhere in the park we found some places with 3 bars on Verizon and 0-1 on AT&T.)
Here are views of Colter Bay campground loop F, on the right, campsite number F132 with the cell phone towers:
and the view of the towers from the road leading from the Colter Bay cabins to the campground:
You can get a package delivered to the Colter Bay cabin office by USPS or UPS, but don’t expect same day or even next day delivery. The cabin office, open 24 hours a day, will hold it for you.
Check with the office for the proper address.
There is a coffee bar in the Colter Bay grocery and restaurants (only one open late season) in walking distance. Grand Tetons restaurants
There are no microwaves in the cabins and no cooking is allowed in or around the cabins, but there is a picnic area/ swim beach
with great sunset views right down the road at lakeside with restrooms and plenty of picnic tables.
(Remember that water boils at a lower temperature at a higher altitude, so cooking times at sea level, where water boils at 212 degrees F, are shorter than at 7,000 feet, where water boils at just under 200 degrees F. You can make the water for the hard-boiled eggs or pasta start boiling sooner if you bring hot water from your cabin down to the beach.)
The restroom is at the end of the swim beach road / parking area:
View of the swim beach from out on the lake:
Below is a park service photo of the road past and to the swim beach, with the edge of the RV park to the right.
Once we saw a mink running up a restaurant exterior wall (but did not get a picture).
We saw a fox (with a beautiful long tail) in the middle of the day, running from the marina area towards the Colter Bay cabins/restaurants:
Here, the difference in size between a fox (in the front) coyote (in the middle) and a wolf:
The sign above details what can happen if you decide to feed the foxes that are some years all over the Colter Bay area:
If you feed foxes:
They will be unhealthy and may die.
You risk exposure to rabies.
We will have to kill the fox for rabies testing if you get bitten.
You could be fined.
In the cabin area, part of the reason why cooking is not allowed
(this bear did not get a food reward this time because people were being careful about their trash):
Recycling bins are conveniently located among the cabins, and there is one outside of the store (the brown one in the center of the picture above) for used propane tanks. Ask at a Visitor Center about recycling your bear spray canister. (We bring our bear spray on multiple trips until they actually expire, then recycle them.)
Birding notes from the park service about the Colter Bay area:
“On Jackson Lake a variety of waterfowl may be seen such as Canada goose (Branta Canadensis), mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Barrow’s goldeneye (Bucephala islandica), common merganser (Mergus merganser), and sandhill crane (Grus Canadensis).
In the lodgepole forests, common birds include olivesided flycatcher (Contopus cooperi), yellow-rumped warbler (Dendroica coronata), ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula), mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli), white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), chipping sparrow (Spizella passerine), and dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis).
Other common birds in the area include red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii), gray jay (Perisoreus canadensis), common raven (Corvus corax), barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), and mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides).”
Potential cabin accommodations at Colter Bay can be previewed at
The reservations number is: 1 (800) 628-9988.
FAQ: Why should I pay for a cabin when I can camp for much less?
Because even when people are behaving courteously towards others, campgrounds are noisy until late at night and again fairly early in the morning. If you share a cabin with others who agree to the same schedule you can get to sleep early, be up before sunrise, (or take mid-day naps if you stayed up late and got up early). That’s the reason people on this trip have shared two bedroom, one bath cabins to some extent every year we have gone. (If you get a one bedroom, one bath cabin, with most cabins you have a shared wall with others that is not thick enough to keep you from missing seemingly inevitable arguments among the neighbors in the adjoining cabin.)
Plus, interesting, occasionally wet, fall weather is easier to deal with in a cabin.
We often share some of the two-bedroom, one-bath cabins at Colter Bay. The two-bedroom units have doors to each bedroom that I did not draw in on the floor plan below. The two bedroom cabins are not all the same size, but here is a typical floorplan:
Tour a Colter Bay 2 bedroom, one bath cabin (cabin # 613):,-110.6399488,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipPmdcnoKYBe8pHKsji4papjexq0nHPQbqoOMRsT!2e10!3e11!7i11092!8i5546
(and notice that you can click to go outside and take a look at the road and other cabin exteriors.)
Tour a one bedroom, one bath,-110.6400081,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipN_6gtFwgLqRleNAtFuz55ZULYwude2kWN8sW1C!2e10!3e11!7i12384!8i6192
Colter Bay Cabin #108 (which shares a front porch with Colter Bay cabin #106),-110.6457545,3a,75y,194.33h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNjWI1OY8w_7Wtp9awxhBwWl28IGiKBd6vTNvQm!2e10!3e11!!7i12394!8i6197
A 360 degree view that includes cabin 231, a short walk to the Ranch House and Cafe Court restaurants.
and here, closer to the back of the Ranch House and Cafe Court restaurants, cabin #223, in a building with cabins 219-227:
Cabin building 1005-1007
Colter Bay Cabin 212 does not share walls with any other cabin and is the only one with a full wall of floor-to-ceiling windows:
We have had various roommate combinations:
- a married couple in one bedroom and a single guy and two single girls in the other
- a married couple in one bedroom and three women in the other
- a married couple in one bedroom and four women in the other
- two single girls in one bedroom and four single guys in the other
- four guys and one couple
- one year a single guy and a single girl who were a bit richer each had their own bedroom of a two bedroom cabin.
On the 2000 trip friends slid the two double beds together and slept three or four across, but one girl found herself slipping down the crack during morning pillow fights.
below: sign we put outside our cabins, a cilantro plant on a sunny windowsill as an ingredient for fresh salsa, 2006 rainy day cabin games, her first mousse (she called home and got permission first), 22nd birthday, decor:
Inexpensive lodgings frequently have inadequate electrical systems, and since it takes quite awhile to get housekeeping to get the electricity turned back on when a breaker trips, we advise using fused power strips (with circuit breakers built in) at each and every outlet instead of trying to remember to turn off heaters when hair dryers are used, etc. If you stuff a number of people in a cabin the power strips are also wise because people can charge more than one cellphone/camera/laptop, etc. at once. (Maybe you can let the people on our trip who are camping or staying in a tent-cabin with no electric outlets, charge their gear overnight in your cabin.)
BUT please note this warning from about having your laptops, etc. on power strip(s) if you anticipate a lightning storm:
“Lightning generates electric surges that can damage electronic equipment some distance from the actual strike. Typical surge protectors will not protect equipment from a lightning strike. Do not unplug equipment during a thunderstorm as there is a risk you could be struck.”
Electric coolers should not run all night if it’s a cold year or they will overchill and freeze the lettuce.
Some of the wall heaters in the bedrooms are noisy so some of us have done without the heater and sleep in long johns (if you sleep cold bring a sleeping bag to supplement the blankets provided). Plus, if the bedroom isn’t overheated, then each person can dress according to the warmth they require and nobody will need to complain they are too hot.
There were no heaters in the Colter Bay cabins bathrooms (just in the bedrooms) the last times we were there. Even if you really heat the bedroom(s) the heat doesn’t make it into the bathroom to warm it up enough for showers. Someone in each cabin group should bring a portable electric heater (and extension cord and a fused power strip) and keep it running in the bathroom all night (we aim ours towards the shower with the shower door open).
On cold days we run the bathroom heater not just at night, but whenever we are in the cabins and the bathroom stays warm. With the bathroom door open, the heat from the bathroom makes it out to the bedrooms as well and we noted a inside the cabin bedroom morning temperature of 66 on an alarm clock thermometer when the car thermometer said it was 54 degrees outside.
If you have space in your vehicle and bring a folding laundry rack you can hand wash a few things, set the laundry rack in the shower and let them dry overnight with your bathroom heater pointed at the rack.
The laundromat (22 dryers and 21 washers) is in the row of the store and gift shops. If you have a roll of quarters you will not have to depend on the credit card reader or change machine being operable.
(We found that we only needed one or two quarters for a small dryer load to get things dry.) They sell laundry products but if you want unscented (scented can attract mosquitos) or hypo-allergic, or a specific brand of detergent or stain remover, it would be wise to bring small containers from home.
There are lots of machines, but if they are all taken and you notice that someone left their machine and it is finished running, you can ask the laundromat attendant to remove the clothes so you can use the machine.
Free WiFi available at the laundromat:
your face here photo below by Wendy Sato
We advise negotiations in advance as to when / who uses the shower if you have a large group sharing a two bedroom, one bath cabin.
(The walls are relatively thin so singing in the shower can be heard clearly.)
And remember there is only one hot water heater so relatively short showers or long times between showers, or frequent end-of-the-day swims/water polo practice at the Jackson Lake Lodge pool and shower after at the pool, are advised. The Jackson Lake Lodge pool is 6 miles (12 +/- minutes) from Colter Bay and is free to guests staying at Colter Bay. (And please pack flips flops for any shower you will share with others, whether in a cabin/hotel room, a shower house or at a pool, or better yet, pack rubber sandals, the kind that Velcro around your ankle to stay on your feet, if you don’t want cut feet when out wading/swimming).
Scroll around at this Google map 360 degree photo to see both pools (the smaller children’s pool is max. 3 feet deep).
If too many people in a cabin taking turns using the shower means too long of a wait, there are also public showers at the Colter Bay laundromat, down the road from the cabins, 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m. (+/-)
Shower cost (2024) “$5 and there is no time limit on that. If you have a group of five or less, you can pay the family shower rate of $15 and each additional person after the first 5 will be $3.00 extra.”
Towel rental $3, so bring your own.
They never have enough towels at inexpensive lodgings so you want to bring extras for potential swimming, especially since things don’t dry fast if it’s cold overnight.
The laundromat is next to the small grocery/gift shop.
The trip equipment page has valuable suggestions from previous trip members, including
No alarm clocks are provided, and we often bring a bunch of small battery powered clocks so we can have one in the bathroom as well as each bedroom. You will need to change the time when you drive from the Pacific Time Zone to the Mountain Time Zone after you drive into Idaho from Nevada.
You need to not only have enough ice chests for all the fruit, milk, yogurt etc., but also large lidded plastic containers or larger lidded bins for cookies/crackers/chips/popcorn/granola bars/bread that you don’t want the deer mice to nibble on.
Besides your rain jackets/pants, a big golf-sized umbrella can be great to get back and forth from the car to cabin to another cabin.
An old towel on the floor by the front door is often needed to wipe wet shoes on.
During a thunderstorm, don’t swim, don’t take a shower or use a sink, including washing dishes. Don’t talk on a land line phone. Don’t use your I pod. Please read Thunderstorm and lightning safety
A typical late summer rain storm
we experience at Colter Bay in Grand Teton National Park
might have big white puffy clouds against a very blue sky through the morning
that change in the afternoon to gray clouds going by as the wind picks up,
at first ruffling the Aspen leaves, then later moving the pine branches
and later the smaller diameter trees start to sway
and occasionally, with more wind, the windows of your cabin start to rattle.
There might be a moment of large raindrops, then a sudden downpour.
Then heavy rain, with at first distant lightning strikes miles to the south and east, followed by closer-in lightning strikes
(one evening for example, we tracked one lightning strike at the shore of Emma Matilda Lake, one near the east of the road junction at Colter Bay and the highway, then another in the middle of the north end of Jackson Lake).
This might only last 25 minutes. Then the storm can stop for an hour or so and resume later.
Or heavy downpours and lightning strikes can last for many hours.
An hourly weather report you are looking at might say “Intermittent clouds” for all hours, then change to “Intermittent clouds” for most hours, but add in “4pm Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms,” then the next time you look it switches to “5pm Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms,” then “6pm Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms,” and then the thunder and lightning appears.
Some lightning strikes sound louder and closer because they reflect off the mountains.
How can you tell where the lightning strikes are that you hear the thunder from,
(or might actually see a visible bolt)?
Lightning strikes in the last 24 hours are recorded at:
A few of the cabins have wildflowers, different ones at different times of the spring and summer.
At near the top of the page, there is usually a link to a map of the Colter Bay Cabins with the individual cabins identified by where they were moved from:
Square G , Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, Old Sheffield’s Ranch at Moran, Half Moon Ranch, Circle H Ranch, unknown or cabins made in 1967
NOTE that the cabin numbers on that map are not the current cabin numbers.
and the history webpage has stories of each of these locations and more.
Colter Bay cabins prices, (these prices reflect taxes, and the subject to change, utility fee) according to reservations some of us got / or according to the website:
For many years people have shared cabins, especially the
2 bedroom, one bath cabin with 4 Double beds
1-4 adults, the cost per night is $395.00 plus taxes and “applicable fees”: $49.40, total: $444.40 per night
if 2 share the cabin, $444.40 divided by 2 = $222.20 per person per night
If 4 share the cabin = $111.10 per person per night
The cost goes up for each adult over four.
6 adults: $416 plus taxes and “applicable fees”: $51.92 Total: $467.92if 6 share the cabin $467.92 divided by 6 = $77.97 per person per night
8 adults $437.00 plus taxes and “applicable fees” $54.44 Total: $491.44if 8 share the cabin $: $491.44 divided by 8 = $61.43 per person per night
You can usually legally stuff more than 8 people into these cabins, and there will be a fee (cost?) for each roll-away bed, limit one rollaway per room. You must make reservations for rollaways before you arrive, as they have a limited number. We do not advise trying to fit in 9 or 10 adults.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
note from 2023:
“Colter Bay Village Cabins
Deposit Policy – For Cabins at the time of booking, a 1 night deposit is required per room/site plus tax. The balance of your stay is due upon arrival.
Credit cards that expire prior to your stay will not be accepted online but can be accepted via phone. You will receive a confirmation email with your stay details by the end of the next business day.
Cancellation Policy – From booking date until 3 days prior to the scheduled arrival date, the deposit will be refunded less a $15.00 administrative fee per room. Cancellations or reduction in length of stay received within 3 days of arrival will result in forfeiture of deposit. All changes or cancellations due to inclement weather or changes in flight schedules are subject to the penalties stated above.
Reservation Changes – Date changes or reduction/addition of nights made 3 days prior to your arrival day can be made free of charge, based on availability. Reductions in stay within 3 days of your arrival day will result in a forfeit of your deposit.
No-Shows – A no-show on confirmed date of arrival will be considered a cancellation of entire stay and forfeiture of deposit.
Early Departures – Upon check-in, you will be responsible for paying for all nights of your stay. If you choose to check out earlier than your originally scheduled departure day, you will still be responsible for any nights remaining on your stay.
Refunds for reservations will be issued in the same payment form as tendered at the time of purchase. If payment was made by credit card, we will credit the same account. Please allow 7-10 days for a credit to appear on your credit card statement.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Colter Bay cabins prices, (prices at the website do not always reflect taxes, and the subject-to-change utility fee)
(from the website in March 2025, 2 adults, prices go up with more people per cabin)
$294 1 Room Cabin – 1 Double bed
$298.00 1 Room Cabin – 1 Double & 1 Twin
$367.00 1 Room Cabin – 2 Doubles & 1 Twin
$397.00 2 Room Cabin – 1 Double & 2 Twins
$395.00 2 Room Cabin – 4 Double beds
and please also see: Grand Tetons trip cost, with
The cheap trip,
The not-so cheap trip
The slightly more costly trip, but less driving time also known as the I-can’t-get-much-time-off-work trip
and The Expensive Trip (also known as …Grand Teton National Park on $2,000 – $5,000 + a day)
The “Outdoor Club” does not get campsites (or any overnight accommodations),
students on the trip get them and share them as they want to.
If you want to get a better room, or even a suite with fabulous view, fireplace, fridge, microwave etc, that is actually in Grand Teton National Park, read more at: Grand Tetons hotels, cabins, lodging
Or for a lower cost Colter Bay over night comparison, tour a tent cabin. And see: Colter Bay Tent Village.
If you want a campsite, look at: map of Colter Bay campground Grand Teton National park
Grand Teton National park restaurants has links to menus and links to info about restaurants in Jackson, Wyoming.
Everyone who gets a permit for an overnight backpack, needs to plan to keep their regular overnight accommodation (campsite, cabin) for that night, even though they will not be there. If you have to cancel (weather is moving in and we will be having lightning and it would be dangerous to be at a higher elevation), then everyone will need to go back to their overnight accommodation. Yes, it would save money to not pay for your cabin or campsite for that night, but it could possibly wreck your trip, so everyone going on a wilderness overnight must agree to not fully move out of their regular overnight accommodations.
(Yes, we had too much fun with the following.)
You can call that piece of furniture an executive work desk if you want(and you can bet that is does not have ample USB plugs).
There are on/off switches on the walls, not panels of LED readouts to program to turn on one or more of an array of light functions (bring a flashlight or headlamp for your bedside reading lamp so you won’t have to turn on room wall lamps and keep others awake).
No incense will be burnt,
nor will a conch shell be blown to cleanse your surroundings.
No wandering minstrel will play the recorder or violin, sing, recite poetry or perform bird calls and squirrel chirps outside your window.
No tuxedos, exotic beaded midriff gowns or black stiletto pumps will be required
or even appropriate.
No one will unpack your bags for you and place your extensive wardrobe in the bedroom closet or free-standing armoire that won’t fit all of your stylish apparel, much less just the outerwear of all those people you are stuffing into the room(s).
No one will turn down the covers and put a chocolate / orchid / caviar tidbit on your pillow every night
(and if they did a deer mouse would eat it before you found it).
No one will peel grapes for you, nor will they arrange the pillows on the bed into a fort.
The wakeup service will be your own alarm clock
or perhaps another trip member knocking,
or if necessary, vigorously pounding on your door if you are late.
Colter bay cabins with a bathroom have stall showers but no bath tubs.
The stall showers do not have heated floors.
The bathrooms have NO flattering lighting from multiple angles, improved and brightened for ideal make-up application; private Jacuzzi or hydrotherapy pools, with or without bubble loungers that feel like in-room spas; plunge or cold water plunge pool; alfresco, rain, rain-forest, computerized steam, aromatherapy, Swiss Pressure Point, multisensory, power showers or premium massage shower heads; mineral baths; heated towel racks; magnified makeup mirror; backlit onyx five fixture bathrooms; luxurious bathroom simply designed for pamper sessions; stylish polished quartz dual-sink vanities with white marble cladding; white marble and golden details to transport you back in time to an age of opulence; efficient and elegantly designed fixtures that greatly increase water savings, while not sacrificing the water temperature or pressure; ingenious non-potable water system in place to supply water to the toilet systems, applying storm water and ground water, which greatly contributes to a huge increase in water savings; toilet with mood lighting and touchscreen & audio control washlet seat, and handheld bidet; locally crafted wood vanity; candlelight soaks in an oversized deep copper soaking tub, semi-private grotto soaking pool or clawfoot soaking tub; bidets; private steam room or private sauna; finely appointed his and her vanities with antique chrome fixtures; his-and-hers medicine cabinets; back-lit floor to ceiling mirrors; floating granite countertops; large format marble bathrooms; 700 GSM (grams per square meter) 100% ring-spun cotton terry artisanal bath towels in cool colors to promote a tranquil space or rich colors create a lavish lavatory; 36-by-70 inch bath sheets with a combination of softness and high absorbency for a luxurious feel; or monogrammed cozy signature microfiber robes to cocoon you in warmth and slippers lined with cotton terrycloth,
Colter Bay cabins have ceiling fans,
and either small closets
but no air conditioning; phone; radio, surround sound system or Bluetooth®-enabled Hi-fi Sound Systems; microwave; morning newspaper(s) delivery; complimentary national newspapers available in the Lobby;
NO TV turned on during turndown service to a channel you despise (flat screen, oversized flat screen, plasma, LCD, DVR, DTV, 4K, direct view, DirecTV programming with Showtime, premium selection of international channels, cable, satellite, interactive, in the bathroom, in the bathroom mirror or otherwise); an 80” HDTV for presentations with a floor-to-ceiling magnetic white board;
Frustrating smart technology like voice-activated lights; voice activated motorized drapes adjusted to your preferred settings (except when they do not function at all or function every time you sneeze);
Fully-customized interactive bedside panels made from sustainable, cross-laminated larch timber, preset in one of 8 languages according to guest’s preference, showcasing touch-screen restaurant menus, hotel information, a city guide, personalized TV access and room controls (for operating the lights, television and radio, curtains, valet call, “do not disturb”, temperature control and weather preview);
high speed WiFi or mandatory fees for Upgraded Premium WiFi (up to 8mbps); data port; voicemail; iPod docking station; access to private check-in;
Multiple, dual-voltage (110v/240v) electrical power sockets with integrate fast charging USB ports and wireless chargers as well as an all-in-one fax/scanner/printer/photocopier with office automation and wired connection to personal electronic devices concealed within retractable burl wood panels;
many exciting and unique options of continuously piped-in, hip music; sound systems that connect to your phone; state-of-the-art, fan-cooled, sound-proof booths suitable for both private phone or video calls; Bose SoundDocks; CD/DVD players; advanced telecom cabling; international direct dialing; digital alarm clock with stereo; biometric digital safes; a personal safe for each occupant that will each fit at least 3 laptops; first-run Hollywood movies; CNN; minimum non-negotiable resort fees for programs/options you don’t want; hard copy or digital Compendium Books; DVD and video games lending library available in hotel lobby; state-of-the-art Quietvox portable audio-headset system on all specialty excursions;
2.5 to 1 staff to guest ratio; state of the art chatbot concierges; pet concierge who will coordinate custom bedding, leashes, menus, and even a sitting with the hotel’s resident artist for a pet portrait; sommelier; in-suite butlers who assume the role of butler 100% of the time and don’t moonlight in other roles; 24 hour room service; 24 hour housekeeping; 24 hour as needed turn-down service including light and linen preparations; bellmen; backpack valet; tailors; valet same-day dry-cleaning service coordinator; complimentary pressing once per stay – up to 3 pieces per guest; complimentary overnight shoeshine service; attentive and approachable daily stateroom attendant; florist; personal DJ; lifestyle concierge to arrange for limousine transfer and have dinner on the table when you arrive, arrange for locavore-driven groceries for the week in ice chests in your room, arrange for coveted restaurant reservations, and who will travel as far as needed to purchase what you forgot to bring and will retrieve items you leave behind; croquet coach with genuine passion and dedication who strives for perfection even in the smallest details; valet parking; private gated parking; chauffeurs; seamless round-trip airport transfers; courtesy car service within a five mile radius based on availability; complimentary 2022 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Cabriolet convertibles, or Bentley Speed Six loaner vehicles subject to limited availability for a maximum four hours; guaranteed late checkout of 1:00pm – blackout dates apply, based upon availability; private catered marshmallow roast executed with precision and grace (all-inclusive with an endless array of upgraded à la carte options); guided fly fishing projecting the quintessence of elegance and sophisticated taste that does not include transportation or fishing licenses; go-kart tracks; exclusive and relaxed yet chic and cozy game room with billiards, Skee Ball, Air Hockey or Foosball; several landing areas to allow you to arrive by helicopter or private jet – Conditions Apply; full access (subject to app snafus/user errors) to an intimate Private Members’ Club;
impeccably fabulous indulgent and palatial accommodations featuring leaded glass floor-to-ceiling windows that open to transform into a French balcony, through which to see, as John Muir wrote, “the sunbursts of morning among the icy peaks, the noon-day radiance on the trees and rocks and snow, the flush of the alpenglow”; french doors; hardwood floors; floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with a collection of antique books in multiple languages you likely do not speak even if you are tri-lingual; soaring minimalist floor to ceiling windows illuminating a calming, peaceful setting that makes the definitively clear statement that life can once again be beautiful, fun, exhilarating and adventurous yet laid back and cherished, leaving the cares of the modern world behind; over a thousand pearl-shaped lights that cascade through the atrium; private elevators with a private elevator landing on to a double-height entrance private foyer featuring a sweeping staircase with mahogany millwork throughout; vaulted or soaring curved ceilings bejeweled with forest colors, deep green, berry red, sunset gold representing the cutting edge of the elevated lifestyle; over-height mahogany doors; hand-carved benches (you can not move) in a carefully devised layout to maximize space; limestone thresholds; state of the art in-room movie system in a theater furnished with plush, leather recliners and a floor-to-ceiling projection screen; rich chestnut panels and thick beams on a cathedral ceiling seamlessly pairing sleek contemporary lodgings with the great outdoors; oak paneled entryways; white oak chevron floors; uncompromisingly beautiful, luxuriously comfortable and perpetually elegant architectural details carefully considered to create a warm yet understated modernistic feel of rustic elegance with a balance between the modern and the eclectic yet featuring contemporary styling and relaxed sophistication and sophisticated interior décor throughout that embraces romanticism, glamour, and intrigue; idiosyncratic interiors with a maximalist nerded-out exuberance; meticulously restored Venetian plaster; Tuscan influenced molding; sumptuous custom wallpapers sourced from Italy, France, Sweden and the UK; hand-waxed reclaimed wood millwork; indigenous fabric / leather-covered walls; wallcoverings meticulously created to enhance the beauty of the natural surroundings, while adding luxury and style yet maintaining the warm ambiance of the open living space; uniquely curated collection of art work, frescos, murals by, or portraits of, previous famous guests effortlessly marrying timeless glamor with modern sophistication; rotating collection of personally selected world-class 20th century artwork focusing on European and North American emerging artists accompanied by a publication focusing on each artist’s work; archival fine art prints of wild nature embodying the country’s deepest democratic and spiritual values by major American artists, some by artists who deserve to be better known and were paid a pittance in their lifetimes and others by artists who are known only by the survival of their works; floor-to-ceiling crystal chandeliers; grand vintage antler chandeliers, 141 light dimmable 4 tiered retro textured recycled glass and forged-iron chandelier; opulent stained glass windows creating a haven that harmoniously merges timeless sophistication with serene views combining breathtaking views with unparalleled sophistication; intricately tiled mosaics in a traditional distinctive color palette; marble countertops with waterfall edge; wall textures in glistening yet muted, organic hues creating a contemporary oasis where authenticity meets understated luxury; blackout drapes with bedside controls; eco-resin twig or recycled driftwood/recycled barnwood doors with inset marble architraves (features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than described in materials you see before booking);
Pioneering superlative comforts including a bed aligned to the parallel physiological mechanisms of your body; scalloped leather headboards; hand-embroidered headboards; jewel-tone velvet headboards; extensive bespoke pillow menu; king bed with silver birch tree trunk posts that seem to grow from the floor; custom-made double-sized water beds with built-in vibrational speakers and synchronized light frequency to stimulate brainwave states; one-of-a-kind patented storybook four poster beds with layers of billowy draping; hand made quilts with gold threads; down pillows; deep duvets; extra plush bedding; sheer, unadulterated sense of comfort from fine Italian linens, cashmere throws, pillowy bedding; luxurious signature pillowtop mattress, 300-thread-count or organic Eqyptian combed cotton sheets; record-setting thread-count bedsheets; organic mattresses; king-sized yet quaint daybeds; private hammocks; nooks with heated mosaic or stone tile lounge chairs where you can cozy up with a cup of calming in-room herbal tea from a tea blending kit, and watch the sun set over the mountains or storms rage through the forest (bed and room configurations may differ from pictures at the property website);
thoughtfully-proportioned walk-in closets, larger than your kitchen at home, with Poliform closet systems; signature dressing areas that evoke the ateliers of Savile Row or the elite sewing circles of Paris; state-of-the-art yet not technical one-touch dimmer switches; ornate gilt furniture or reverentially restored antique period furnishings with modern, but whimsical charm; eco-friendly custom designed recycled peroba wood or natural kirei wood or color dyed eco-natruel-plywood furniture; handcrafted burl slab coffee table; hand-made twig coffee table; ergonomic chairs; cowhide ottomans, custom-loomed carpets of color and texture that capture the senses and incorporate joy and color anarchy; beautiful carpeting skillfully composed using an advanced methodology, which incorporates recycled post-consumer and post-industrial content (like plastic drink bottles) to create a product that is comfortable, safe, environmentally conscious and makes you feel like you are on the new side of history while savouring the old world elegance of the exhilarating 20th century for a truly nature-immersive experience; coved lighting to bring you to a new level of luxury and soothing elegance at an intersection of culture, hospitality and style; ornamental moldings in the over-wide window alcoves; rooms connected by plank bridges hanging from ropes; hydronically heated recycled stone floors; gigantic custom dry stacked stone firepit; chiseled stone wood-burning fireplace with a Pinon fire laid out for you daily (any hour of the day or night) by an attentive staff;
dramatic, iconic porte-cochere designed to create a real sense of arrival and accentuate the picturesque rusticity of your lodging; moving glass walls that add to the abundance of natural light, fresh air and mosquitos; private entrances, patios, decks, verandas; a cozy, secret bar hidden behind a movable bookcase; generous sized outdoor patio with outdoor kitchen with fully integrated Miele appliances to ensure culinary enthusiasts have everything they need to serve excellence in theatrical cooking in style including spatula-twirling, food-flipping shenanigans; mother-of-pearl inlaid mini bar with polished nickel fixtures; professional kitchen stocked with complimentary fresh nutritious snacks prepared daily by our chefs; wrap around open-concept terraces or balconies that flow seamlessly; grand and fanciful terrace carved out of blue granite bedrock, extensive wrap-around deck with hammock style twin beds suspended from the ceiling that are ideal for an any-time-of-the-day-cozy-peaceful-nap since their gentle sway mimics the motion of a canoe in calm waters; inner court water feature; astonishing heating and cooling systems provided by a state of the art glass ceiling system that turns the ceiling into an optimal air conditioning system that is highly energy-efficient and provides quick response times as well as maximum comfort and air quality; eco-luxe open air hot tub (share basis) with engaging lively co-ed roof top sun deck; 12 person infinity edge hot tub surrounded by intricately inlaid jade, onyx, marble, and lapis; intimate yet spacious gathering rooms, each a triumph of wit, style and comfort, exquisitely designed with historic elegance and graceful flow with an atmosphere that’s simultaneously stimulating and relaxing; bronze Lotus Bowl infinity fountain; private roof-top garden terrace with plunge pool and fireplace where you can comfortably have lavishly enhanced private dining or host a reception at a set rate regardless of number of participants (with a uniformed celebrity guest Chef who will artfully prepare world-class cuisine crafted with a hyper-local yet regionally-relevant twist as well as funky ferments inspirated by Rocky Mountain culinary traditions and visions of sustainability and seasonality bringing together archaeologists, microbiologists and other experts, the kind of ethereally deconstructed dishes, a feast for the eyes and the tastebuds that you’ll want to photograph before you savour them, with the sleek, modern vibe that only a high-end rural restaurant can provide, including a cozy and comforting waffle bar / pastry boutique cuisine worthy of discussion; desserts that look like lava rocks, granite glacial erratics or mossy forest floors); Linguine & Penne Pasta-to-order with a choice of 21 ingredients, with or without passed or displayed, specialty or exquisite hand-made seasonal hors d’oeuvres and wilted chicories & julienne spring vegetables; eight variety root vegetable mille-feuille with dark truffle sauce; that you can choose from with alternate haste and deliberation, optionally including Fennel Dusted House Made Assorted Truffles and caviar rolled tacos with (bourbon-vanilla reduction) citrus breadcrumbs & smoked jalapeño or horseradish aioli, charred scallion-soy vinaigrette, Grand Marnier Coconut-Curry Crème Fraiche or Pancetta-Parmesan Mornay Sauce and organic, gluten-free, grass-fed pickled or marinated free-range escargot in a mineral soil demi-glace simmered in a ginger soy-red wine reduction on a quadruple-layered bed of toasted, hay-smoked almond and herbs grown in geothermally heated greenhouses, Dijon couscous pilaf /julienned Bell Pepper/ Ginger-Lime-Horseradish Coleslaw, with edible flowers picked from the on-site organic garden, (Gluten Free or triple-fiber Whole Wheat Bread Available Upon Request) craft culinary marvels sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate, for up to fifty guests; there are no words to describe the practical yet relaxing, unrivaled, distinctive resort-style gathering places with a quietly elegant, timeless and inviting atmosphere that imparts both grace and prestige to your executive conferees, creative minds and distinguished individuals with every detail and amenity selected to fulfill, anticipate and inspire your desires; complemented with natural light and a full array of conference technology, access to flexible outdoor pre-function areas and open-air lounge, with outdoor lighting that has been recently enhanced throughout to high, uncompromising standards, illuminating the gorgeous property as one walks to the after-dinner bonfire with finger-food buffet and cigar tasting (cigars can be added upon request for a fee, except during bank holidays), as if by moonlight, creating an unbelievably memorable setting of astounding beauty and charm for an extra-surreal indulgent immersion experience, an additional discretionary 25% service charge per room, per night, applies, subject to cancellation and attrition clauses (all sessions are subject to a 72-hour cancellation policy, and cancellations with less than 72 hours’ notice will be charged at 500% of the cost of the session);
a unique QR code for you on your in-room television that ends up sending your room service order to a room on a different floor that you find yourself being billed for, (with a lavish gratuity), when you check out; back-end systems that track your preferences so the wait staff might conveniently happen to “remember” your morning specialty coffee order even when you do not order it.
Staff to raise the wipers off your windshield when it starts snowing so they won’t freeze stuck on the windshield, staff who discreetly ask your preferred time for delivery of a mouthwatering breakfast basket with homemade granola bars, seasonal organic fruit smoothies, creatively prepared homemade jams in petite hand-painted china pots, detox juices cold-pressed in-house from organic, sustainable and local produce and a selection of fine, freshly brewed coffee and tea and/or a dozen curated iced coffee options the evening before so then this thoughtful service can magically appear at just the right moment along with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, Agence France-Presse and London Daily Telegraph; private chef who can create a 7 course meal of vibrant, globally inspired, yet simple dishes using the finest, seasonal ingredients sourced from the area’s farms, gardens and waters, or rarities flown in from afar with outstanding reimagined presentations, bespoke flavoursome culinary concepts of vegan meals created for detoxing from the property’s plant-based cuisine (all sourced from the on-site regenerative organic garden and local farms) and paired premium wines (Sample menu for information only, subject to change, non-contractual. All menu prices subject to applicable sales tax and taxable service charge at 23% plus a $9 delivery fee per guest); event professional(s) who will contact you as soon as possible after you impart required paperwork in triplicate; discreet IP-based concierge service that accommodates real-time updates and daily specials, services and amenities that seamlessly unfold and are customized specifically with subtle attention to detail for each guest delivering uniquely memorable moments within the highest levels of luxury and satisfaction with extreme competency in a a thorough consultation process; personalized calendar of chic, modern, meticulously crafted and playful events from an attentive, innovative staff with insider knowledge of delightful under-the-radar locales, and VIP access to places only a select, privileged few will ever experience designed to spark creativity and lifelong learning; host and staff available each morning to offer suggestions, secure reservations for activities off-property, coordinate recreational gear and thermoses of hot coffee and help you solve the riddles of the high-tech in-room controls; indulgent honor bar including very few select complimentary items; daily astrology readings, vortex lectures, and multiple soul-nurturing activities; toxin eliminating holistic afternoon tea or beer with a floral aftertaste to purify your system and prepare you for a metaphorical rebirth into health, satisfy passions and also awaken them; week long, full day or half day Cultural Pilgrimages (mindful meditation nature walks) with spiritual sunset champagne toasts that fulfill every unwinding need; eager, intuitive staff to assist you to fully customize any special occasion by suggesting recommendations to take advantage of the environment, aesthetic and recreational activities that may best harmonize with your existential expectations and personalize your culinary, wine and spirits selections; a relaxed, urban oasis yet an atmosphere hotspot for nature-based escapism, with a haven of complete privacy and unparalleled tranquility giving an aura of splendor and spaciousness, yet with hint of whimsy, where you can get lost in your thoughts; peacocks roaming the grounds; Adirondack chairs facing the mountains with a sunset aspect at the end of the trail for each reservable-for-a-small-fee-not-included-in-the-outrageous-for-what-you-get-nightly-amenity-fee; unprecedented, immersive exploration guided hike; team building scavenger hunts as an essential yet joyous catalyst for change; a private soirée blanche (dress-in-white party) with a singer and an accompanying musician to play classical repertoires of his choice for you; private underground parking; luxe berths for superyachts and megayachts; the ultimate in exclusivity of a gated, dedicated grass dog run; personal two-lane bowling alley; private putting green; dancing classes or theme evenings with regular DJ sets and live music; Bocce Ball and lavishly appointed horseshoe court; heliport; state of the art skeet or trap shooting range; bike vault storage, bike valet, bike tuning and wash area; new refined billiard coaching; a beach attendant to stop by to clean your sunglasses; steep discounts for services with the resort’s award-winning customer-focused fashion consultations; curated shopping experience, including a collection of unique keepsakes, with a private-guided exploration of the highlights of the scene in a nearby city, with complementary champagne so you will spend more money as you browse beachwear boutiques and chichi jewelry (including stacking rings, sparkling earrings, exquisite necklaces, and delicate bracelets); healthy cooking demonstrations; karaoke bar; guest-exclusive secluded pools with fountains and design touches inspired by the Cote d’Azur, providing a impossibly cool and serene secluded escape from the lakeside-beach-going masses; examinations of energy expenditures and motivational personal development longevity clinic seminars and endless other opportunities for personal enrichment meticulously orchestrated by our dedicated staff to create your portal to a new state of being (transfers for tours are not included in the rate and are arranged with our concierge team after finalizing the guided program), subject to modification due to weather conditions, storms and water levels, closures because of short-staffing during public holidays, or other extenuating circumstances and uncontrollable factors. Every effort will be made to operate programs as planned, but changes may still be necessary based on advice from experts and authorities in consideration of activities being either fully unrestricted, allowed under certain conditions, or prohibited entirely in full cooperation with the relevant authorities.)
There is some counter space in the bathroom, often just a small shelf above a sink:
and most of the bathroom cabinets have the usual amount of space with adjustable shelves:
Colter Bay cabin bath ‘amenities’ are towels, bathmats, washcloths and dispensers of shampoo and soap.
Bring some sunscreen, chapstick and dry skin lotion
and whatever other goodies you want to restore your dehydrated skin you exposed to harsh weather conditions,
(remembering that scented can attract mosquitoes)
and put the heavier containers on the shower floor instead of on the shelves in the showers, so they won’t slip off a shelf and fall on your feet,
as unless you bring your own for your serious wellness journey
you will have to do without ultra-luxury amenities and simple beauty rituals sure to make any stay a delight, submerge your whole self into a sense of recovery and relaxation, reawaken inner peace and elevate well-being with a unique ritual of a full body and face experience beginning with a complete stimulating loofah body exfoliation and lessons in deep breathing techniques (arriving late will shorten your treatment time) ; brow and lash tinting; scalp micropigmentation; microdermabrasion; shellac/gel polish nail enhancements; non-sticky airbrush tanning solution; makeup kit created with your own personal palette of colors; high performance deep hydrating and anti-aging oxygen facials to achieve a dewy look; harmonious, delightful signature amenities featuring maximum hydration to rejuvenate, re-energize, harmonize and relax body and mind; refined yet rustic deep cleansing customized blends of rich, organic botanicals to meet or exceed your personal healthy living needs; fine clays, enzymes and pure oils to hydrate, nourish and refine the skin texture deeply replenished at the cellular level; chic glycolic acid mud wraps to rejuvenate, relax and reveal your skin’s youthful radiance; fruit and spice body peel and wrap; rose, huckleberry, lavender & peppermint, sea mineral &yellow curry, ginger & coconut milk, or volcanic clay mud wraps each designed to meet your individual self-care desires; highly customized fango wraps or nourishing seaweed wraps to refine features, smooth lines, and tone the skin for a noticeably rejuvenated appearance; unprecedented elemental stress release or brightening anti-aging facials to help your mind, body and spirit achieve a state of blissful, thought provoking and dreamlike harmony; salt, glycolic or exfoliating green tea enzyme peels to target redness and dull complexions; a facial that incorporates diamond dust for less than $500; personalized skin analysis, and workshops by local artisan herbal experts; Collagen skin polishes; French pariffin treatment with vitamin C; pure, aromatic ginger peppermint manicure addressing cuticles and calluses to restore, refresh, heal and purify; mineral-rich serum exfoliating pedicure; eye brightening treatments; natural galvanic current spa treatments to promote relaxation and well-being; sea salt body scrub with ferulic acid and vitamins C and E; cellulite treatments; ultimate European glycerin body masque to unveil younger, healthier-looking skin; Chocolate Truffle, honey, lime, and jalapeño Body Wrap treatment; eco-friendly therapeutic anti-aging facials incorporating traditional European techniques with results-driven skincare formulations to reduce fine lines for a more youthful, hydrated appearance and leave your skin hydrated, refreshed and toned; Nouveau bath accessories fusing heirloom elegance with modern styling; botox; bikini wax; laser vein removal; non-invasive laserdermatology designed to dramatically increase toning results; the latest in non-surgical clinical treatments, supported by phytohormones to align areas of emotion and spiritual holding, mind, body and spirit (with little scientific evidence to support these claims); detox footbath with enzyme based nutrients and vitamins; next step esthetic approach for a more active facial to help you rediscover your skin’s natural glow, elasticity, and vitality; handmade organic ayurvedic herbal products, scrubs or baths; oil anti-oxidant refining tonique scalp and body exfoliator treatments; invigorating scalp massage & hydration serum treatment; a rich but nongreasy elixir made from kale, rose geranium and with a blend of eight soy-based hyaluronic acids — of varying molecular weights, healing salts and honey; medicinal salves of comfrey, antibacterial olive leaf, anti-inflammatory yarrow, roasted fennel and propolis inspired by an ancient recipe; potent hypoallergenic formulas derived from homegrown ingredients (optionally including a silky serum of skin-revitalizing herbs such as dandelion, marjoram, calendula, rose hips and nettles) produced in small batches with minimal preservatives; a warm, skin smoothing, renewing, nourishing and hydrating brown sugar and bourbon-infused body scrub treatment with optional tension-melting shea butter application; adobe and organic beeswax body masks to sculpt your skin; chocolate or wine mask (masque); miraculous non-invasive facelifts; purifying grapeseed, ginseng and lecithin antioxidant body treatment with ingredients that are distinctly Californian to help refine your skin’s appearance, plus a boost in collagen production for deep hydration; metabolic detox body treatment with fermented yam and pumpkin enzymes, brown algae and extra folmadehyde; results-focused cellulite boot camp; dermal wrinkle fillers; fractional laser resurfacing; sweet grass body treatment to to dispel negative energy, elicit emotional strength and assist you to clear your mind and set an intention for the coming day / year; or Lodgepole Pine & Aspen based skincare customized to your specific element; state-of-the-art espresso machine; various “therapies” people claim are beneficial for respiratory and skin conditions, but with little scientific evidence to support these claims and a long list of risks of complications and side effects that should subside “after a day or two,” if you are certain to disclose whether you have any of a long list of health conditions.
When it is time to pack up a tent or sleeping pad after an overnight,
if one person lies on the tent to keep it flat, and the other person rolls it,
you can squish more air out to better fit it in the bag-
or is this an official De Anza Outdoor Club yoga pose?
There will be no dress code beyond the minimum legally required in restaurants, NOT, as you may have seen at other “resorts”
“in the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire or elegant outfits for Gala evenings, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is never allowed”;
“Since XXyZ Hotel is a resort, we want you to feel at ease and dress comfortably. During the day, casual resort clothing is appropriate. Prior to 6:30 PM, please no midriff-baring tops, sweatpants, or cut-off shorts for ladies. For gentlemen, no sleeveless shirts, sweatpants, or shorts over the knee.”
Because every evening at XXyZ Hotel is a special occasion, after 6:30 PM in main areas of the hotel dresses, skirts, blouses, dress sweaters, and dress slacks for ladies are preferred, while gentlemen are required to wear a suit or sport coat, necktie, and dress pants (no denim or shorts). This applies for all areas inside the hotel including the Lobby, Parlor, Terraces, and Main Dining Room, with the exception of the XXyZ Bar and Health and Wellbeing Spa. Children 12 years and older are expected to be in dress similar to adults.”
You will not be given an exclusive complementary tote bag with a hotel logo that can be read from 20 feet away to so you can advertise the hotel everywhere you go.
Bring (or make) a friend to trade backrubs with and encourage you to stretch your calves regularly, hike farther and get a little more exercise in general on the trip because you can’t expect a personal trainer; state of the art fitness center; zip-lines between the cabins; personalized validation, clarification and wellness or expanded consciousness life coaching based on your DNA; guided meditation; Body Temple Spa; Swedish, sports, reflexology, neuromuscular, energy, deep tissue, deep heat or pressure point therapies; private in-room yoga or yogalates or Pilates instruction, with or without ujjayi breathing to calm your mind; tranquil yet enticing footbaths; unique custom personal fitness plans with optional exertion; Reiki treatments (hands on or from a distance); meditation solarium; Finnish, nordic, infrared or hot rock sauna; masseurs; certified massage therapists; patented lymph drainage therapy; juniper-sage hot rock massages; rejuvenating, reviving and transforming sacred stone massages; sunburn treatment massage; escape foot massage with reflexology; altitude adjustment massage; aromatherapy massage; warm oil face and scalp massage; transportative scalp massage; five-step guided water ritual; silent rooms for Wyda (also known as Celtic yoga); stimulating, centering acupressure treatments of unequaled indulgence to create a sense of inner calm, relaxation and an epitome of elegance to work with your dormant spiritual energy; mini-Shirodhara with your choice of buttermilk or coconut water; new millennia hyperbaric oxygen treatments; modern techniques and regional, ancient styles of bodywork to address the needs of bodies exposed to the high elevation; private Zen room with a ceiling to floor waterfall coursing over stones from all the continents and the bottom of all the oceans; or candlelit life force once-in-a-lifetime spiritual exploration fasting sanctuary abounding with decadent touches and amenities.
Trails from the Colter Bay cabins :
At the north end of Colter Bay there is a 1.5 mile trail with a small causeway out to and around an island visible in almost the center of the photo at the top of this page. One of the views from this Lakeshore Trail:
A self-guiding nature trail goes around the island. The Lakeshore Trail starts behind the visitor center or at the day use area or even from the marina.
On the map below of the lakeshore trail, the red letter C is the cabins area, V is the Visitor Center and A is the amphitheater.
Download a Colter Bay Lakeshore trail map at:
The Hermitage Point Trail goes out to Heron Pond and Swan lake
For a full day hike, you can follow the Hermitage Point trail along Third Creek, out to a peninsula on the lake and follow the shoreline of Jackson Lake back to the marina
(easy – moderate, 9.7 mile / 15.6 kilometer round-trip loop trail).
A hiking map of the Hermitage Point area that the map above was copied from is at::
Since it is not safe to hike by yourself, if you have no companions to hike with, you can join a Ranger for a hike. Different hikes are offered each year, but by way of an example, from 2019:
“Swan Lake Hike
Join a ranger to hike through the forest and learn about the park’s natural history. A classic national park experience. Bring food, water, binoculars, rain gear, and insect repellent.
3 hours * Meet at flagpole in front of Colter Bay Visitor Center
3 miles * Moderate hike
Daily 4 pm, June 5-Sept 3, 2019”
The Swan lake Trail can be “temporarily closed for the safety of visitors and wildlife”
(for nesting birds to have peace and quiet).
You can find a larger size copy of the NPS photo trail map below, with the Colter Bay Campground, Colter Bay Cabins, Colter Bay tent village and Colter Bay village streets in the lower right corner, as well as Donoho Point, Hermitage Point, Half Moon Bay, Colter Bay, Little Mackinaw Bay, Willow Flats, Pilgrim Creek, Elk Island, Heron Pond, Swan Lake and Cygnet Pond
(The trail map above is oriented the usual way with north at the top, the photo map above is not.)
You can download a Grand Teton National Park map at:
Grand Teton National Park birds has photos and details about the most common ones we can hope to see, including Bald Eagle, Red-winged Blackbird, Canada Geese, Clark’s Nutcracker, Golden Eagle, Great Blue Heron. Great Gray Owl, Harlequin duck, Loon, Magpie, Merganser, Northern Flicker (woodpecker), Osprey, Ouzel, Pelican, Peregrine Falcon, Ptarmigan, Raven, Sandhill Cranes, Steller’s Jays, Trumpeter Swan , Western Meadowlark, and Western Tanager, with links to calls / songs from most of them to listen to.
and you can Download photos of over a hundred birds of Grand Teton National Park
Colter Bay driving distances:
Colter Bay – Old Faithful, Yellowstone 58.4 miles
Colter Bay – West Thumb, Yellowstone 39 miles
Colter Bay – Signal Mountain Lodge 9.4 miles
Colter Bay – Leek’s marina 2.4 miles
Colter Bay – Jackson Lake Lodge 5.9 miles (one source says 5.4 miles, 9 minutes)
Colter Bay – String Lake 18.1 miles (and often an hour long drive)
Colter Bay – Jenny Lake 19.6 miles
Colter Bay – Jackson airport 30.7 miles
Colter Bay – Dairy Queen Grill & Chill, North Cache Street, Jackson 39.3 miles
Colter Bay – Jackson Visitor Center 39.9 miles
Colter Bay – Albertsons, Buffalo Way, Jackson 42 miles (and often an hour long drive)
Colter Bay – Whole Foods Market, U.S. 89, Jackson, 42.7 miles
For details about our next club trip to Grand Teton National Park, go to: Grand Tetons.
Grand Tetons trip pages index has brief descriptions of most of the pages about this trip.
There is a pay-for airport shuttle (reservations in advance required) to the cabins/hotels in the park if your arrival can’t be coordinated for when a trip member can pick you up Grand Tetons trip transportation.
During our trip, if your driver has plans for the day that you don’t want to participate in, or if you arrive by plane before the main group, or if your driver stayed up late and slept in all morning, there is plenty to do at or from Colter Bay without access to your own vehicle. See the trails listed above and Grand Tetons trip transportation